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发布时间:2018-03-29 21:02

  本文选题:货币政策 切入点:房地产价格 出处:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近几年来,高房价已成为受到普遍关注的话题,不断高企的房价会影响我国经济持续健康发展,也前所未有地渗透到黎民百姓的日常生活。货币政策作为国家宏观调控政策的重要工具,应该对房地产价格波动给予充分的关注,因此,提高货币政策调控房地产价格的有效性具有十分重要的现实意义。 本文首先介绍了该选题的研究背景,在对国内外货币政策调控房地产价格研究成果进行归类整理的基础上,形成了本文的写作思路和行文框架:其次,从理论上为货币政策工具调控房地产价格寻找依据,结合我国货币政策目标的实际情况,本文倾向认为于货币政策应该也可以有效地对我国房地产价格波动做出反应;随后,对我国货币政策调控房价的实践划分为四个阶段,并对各阶段货币政策工具调控房价效果进行了初步评价;最后,通过建立状态空间模型进行实证检验,并得出了以下结论: 房地产价格波动影响物价稳定和经济增长,应予以充分关注;不同类型货币政策工具对房地产价格的影响弹性不同,同时对房地产市场供给和需求的影响也不尽相同;房地产价格波动对于货币政策工具调整的反应具有二重性。建议从房地产需求信贷规模管理、协调不同类型货币政策工具、建立货币政策应对房价波动预警机制和增加供给、合理引导需求等方面着手,以提高货币政策调控房地产价格的有效性。
[Abstract]:In recent years, high house prices have become a topic of general concern. Constant high housing prices will affect the sustained and healthy economic development of our country. Monetary policy, as an important tool of the state's macro-control policy, should pay full attention to the fluctuation of real estate prices. It is of great practical significance to improve the effectiveness of monetary policy in regulating real estate prices. This paper first introduces the research background of this topic, on the basis of classifying the domestic and foreign monetary policy control real estate price research results, forms the writing thought and the writing frame of this article: secondly, This paper tries to find a theoretical basis for monetary policy tools to control real estate prices, combined with the actual situation of monetary policy objectives in China, this paper tends to believe that monetary policy should also be able to respond effectively to the fluctuation of real estate prices in China. This paper divides the practice of monetary policy into four stages, and evaluates the effect of monetary policy tools on housing price control. Finally, the paper makes an empirical test by establishing a state-space model, and draws the following conclusions:. The fluctuation of real estate price affects price stability and economic growth, which should be paid more attention to, and the influence of different monetary policy tools on real estate price is different, and the influence on the supply and demand of real estate market is also different. The response of real estate price fluctuation to the adjustment of monetary policy tools is dualistic. It is suggested that the scale management of real estate demand and credit, the coordination of different types of monetary policy tools, the establishment of a monetary policy early warning mechanism to deal with the fluctuation of house prices and the increase of supply. Reasonable guide demand and other aspects to improve the effectiveness of monetary policy to control real estate prices.


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