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发布时间:2018-03-29 23:18

  本文选题:青年住宅 切入点:单人居 出处:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国城市化进程的加快、城市建设规模的增加,各大城市的房价不断攀升。与此同时,城市建设主力军的青年群体的居住、生活空间状况堪忧。虽然国家的调控政策推动了小户型住宅的建设,房地产企业也将住房产品的模式调整为小型化去适应青年群体的居住需求,但小户型住宅并不等于青年住宅,青年群体特殊的居住需求对其居住空间也有新的要求,只有在设计上量体裁衣,才能探索出适应当代青年的住宅空间模式。因此,对于小型单人居青年住宅的研究,不仅可以填补政策和市场的空白,而且是一个值得研究的具有一定普适性的棘手问题。 本文的研究中,首先以建筑学及其相关学科的相关理论作为支撑,并以国内外既有研究成果和调研分析为基础,对青年住宅的现存问题和青年群体的居住需求进行探讨研究,并总结出对我国当前单人居住宅户内空间设计的启示; 其次,在理论研究与现状调研的成果上对单人居住宅的户内空间进行分析设计,主要对影响单人居室内空间特征的因素和单人居的基本构成要素进行了设计分析; 最后,在分析、借鉴、设计的基础上,主要对小型单人居青年住宅的空间模式进行分类,并深入的探讨了各类型空间模式的空间特点与设计方法,在此基础上提出了单人居住宅户内空间的设计建议。 由此可见,对于单人居青年住宅的空间模式的设计研究,可以从青年群体的居住需求、户内各个单位空间的设计及各个单位空间的不同组合方式设计这三方面来得以实现。前两者主要为空间模式的设计奠定坚实的基础,后者则是空间模式设计的直接表现形式。此外,对于居住空间的设计方式不同,它所呈现给居住者的生活行为的可能性也不尽相同,而对住宅空间模式设计研究的意义也正在于发现这些可能性,并将它以各种不同类型的模式呈现给居住者。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization in our country, the scale of urban construction is increasing, and the housing prices of major cities are rising. At the same time, the housing of the youth group, which is the main force of urban construction, Although the state of regulation and control policies have promoted the construction of small hukou housing, real estate enterprises have also adjusted the model of housing products to miniaturization to meet the housing needs of young people. But the small residence is not equal to the youth residence, the special residence demand of the youth group also has the new request to its living space, only in the design, can explore the housing space pattern which adapts to the contemporary youth. The research on the small single residence can not only fill in the gap of policy and market, but also be a thorny problem which is worth studying. In the research of this paper, firstly, based on the related theories of architecture and related disciplines, and based on the existing research results and investigation and analysis at home and abroad, this paper probes into the existing problems of youth housing and the housing needs of youth groups. And summed up the current one-person residential space design in China; Secondly, based on the results of theoretical research and current investigation, the paper analyzes and designs the indoor space of single-person residence, and mainly analyzes the factors that affect the spatial characteristics of single house and the basic elements of single house. Finally, on the basis of analysis, reference and design, this paper mainly classifies the spatial patterns of small single-dwelling youth houses, and probes into the spatial characteristics and design methods of various types of spatial patterns. On the basis of this, the paper puts forward the design suggestion of the indoor space of single-person residence. Thus, it can be seen that the design and research of the spatial model of the single-person youth residence can be based on the housing needs of the youth group. The design of each unit space and the different combination ways of each unit space can be realized. The first two aspects lay a solid foundation for the design of the spatial pattern. The latter is the direct expression of spatial pattern design. In addition, for different ways of designing residential space, the possibility of life behavior presented to residents is also different. The significance of the research on residential space pattern design lies in discovering these possibilities and presenting it to the occupants with different types of patterns.


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