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发布时间:2018-03-30 06:58

  本文选题:物业管理系统 切入点:B/S的体系结构 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:如何有效的把物业管理公司、业主委员会、物业投诉纳入到一个整体平台进行科学的管理以避免物业纠纷的增加,作为监管单位的政府房地产房屋管理局下属的物业管理科,肩负着重大的责任,面临着巨大的考验。此小区物业管理方面的系统是基于作者所居住的城市小区管理的特征,对于处于Intenet Web基础之上,针对本地区的小区、物业管理方面的企业以及政府房管机构设计出来了一套优秀的物业管理系统。系统主要包括了物业管理、业主委员会、物业投诉等模块。物业管理公司通过物业公司管理模块何时何地都可在线提交资质申请、复核、年审等业务,资质审核单位可在线审批,并能监控企业违规等各种数据,根据统计需要实现全市范围内物业公司各方面进行统计。本文的主要内容如下:(1)根据需求分析,对系统进行功能模块的划分,重点设计物业管理信息系统各个模块的业务逻辑。使用UML建模技术、面向对象技术、组件化技术和MVC分层技术等架构来进行设计和开发。(2)采用WEB方式,可连接局域网、广域网,进行网上办公、查询,提供窗口查询、触摸屏查询、网上查询等多种方式,实现业务公开,便于业主使用。(3)具备物业公司、业主委员会、小区等的管理功能,能够快速录入、精确保存其基础数据;自动保存相关往来的文件并生成电子文档;便于快速、便捷地查询统计相关信息;同时提供网上资料的填报、信息的发布、政策法规的公开等多项功能。系统实现物业信息的共享和管理,可以规范物业管理企业、物业小区和政府物业管理单位的各项业务,可以提高信息处理的速度、准确度,方便了信息在不同单位之间的交换。
[Abstract]:How to effectively integrate property management companies, owners' committees and property complaints into an overall platform for scientific management in order to avoid the increase in property disputes, the property Management Branch of the Government Real Estate Housing Authority as a supervisory unit, The system of property management in this area is based on the characteristics of the management of the urban district in which the author lives, and is based on the characteristics of the management of the urban district in which the author lives. On the basis of Intenet Web, the system is aimed at the community in the region. Property management enterprises and government housing management organizations have designed a set of excellent property management systems. The system mainly includes property management, owners' committees, Property complaints and other modules. Property management companies through the property company management module can submit online applications for qualification, review, annual audit and other business, qualification audit units can be online examination and approval, and can monitor various data, such as enterprise violations, According to the demand of statistics, we can carry out the statistics of all aspects of the property companies in the whole city. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1) according to the demand analysis, the functional modules of the system are divided. The business logic of each module of property management information system is mainly designed and developed. It uses UML modeling technology, object-oriented technology, componentized technology and MVC stratification technology to design and develop. WEB is used to connect LAN, WAN, etc. Online office, inquiry, provide window query, touch screen query, online query and other ways to achieve business openness, easy for owners to use. 3) with property companies, owners' committees, residential areas and other management functions, can quickly input, Keep its basic data accurately; automatically save related documents and generate electronic documents; facilitate quick and convenient query and statistics of relevant information; and provide online information to fill in and release information, The system can realize the sharing and management of property information. It can standardize the business of property management enterprise, property district and government property management unit, and can improve the speed and accuracy of information processing. It facilitates the exchange of information between different units.


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