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发布时间:2018-03-30 21:35

  本文选题:关系营销理论 切入点:昆钢营销环境分析 出处:《云南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着近年来国民经济的飞速发展,钢铁行业作为国民经济中的基础产业也连续超预期增长,屡创历史新高的钢材产量对国民经济的发展起到了积极的促进作用,,为我国工业化和城镇化进程做出了巨大的贡献。但自2011年末开始,在欧债危机、国内经济增速放缓及房地产宏观调控等诸多国内外利空因素影响下,持续释放的钢铁产能使得本已初现端倪的钢铁行业供需矛盾愈加凸显,国内钢材价格开始不断下行,买涨不买跌的心理助推了本已存在的供需缺口,导致国内钢铁企业特别是大中型钢铁企业从2012年中开始出现了大面积的亏损情况。国内钢铁行业在应对此类危机时,大多采取两种措施:一是对标挖潜、降本增效;二是关注营销、积极创新。但从实际效果来看,由于大中型钢铁企业内部管理较为落后,难以挖掘更多潜力,降本增效的效果有限;另一方面,国内钢铁行业对于营销策略的研究不足,对于营销理论运用较为生疏,特别是大中型钢铁企业的营销策略大多较为僵化,难以适应快速变化的市场环境。因此,随着竞争环境的日益恶化、竞争力的日趋下降,大中型钢铁企业以较低的原燃材料价格和较高的钢材销售价格弥补内部高成本和高费用的局面已难以为继。 武钢集团昆钢公司作为云南省内历史最悠久、产量最大的唯一国有钢铁企业,其得天独厚的地理优势和较强的品牌优势都随着区域行业竞争环境的不断恶化而不断弱化,其目前的营销体系和营销策略已经很难帮助昆钢在销量上有较大的突破以支撑快速提高的产能。 本文以武钢集团昆钢公司这一较为典型的大中型钢铁企业为例,考虑国内宏观经济形势、钢铁行业供需矛盾的现状及其在供应链中所处地位,结合云南省的经济形势,对云南省钢铁行业供求关系进行分析及预测;在此基础上,根据PEST分析和SWOT分析对昆钢目前所处的营销环境进行分析,同时对武钢集团昆钢公司所处的行业竞争环境和竞争对手进行分析;最后,以市场营销学中的关系营销理论为指导,在对武钢集团昆钢公司营销策略现状分析的基础上,运用关系营销理论中的六大市场理论分别从经销商市场、消费者市场、竞争者市场、供应商市场、影响者市场、内部市场六方面,针对其目前营销策略中的不足之处对其营销策略进行重构。本文试图通过分析研究,发现与武钢集团昆钢公司相似的大中型钢铁企业目前营销策略的不足之处,为大中型钢铁企业提供借鉴,使其尽早增强竞争优势,加速钢铁行业的整合和产业的整体升级,帮助国内钢铁行业早日转入良性的可持续发展。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the national economy in recent years, the iron and steel industry, as the basic industry in the national economy, has continued to grow faster than expected, and the steel output, which has repeatedly reached a record high, has played a positive role in promoting the development of the national economy.For China's industrialization and urbanization process has made a great contribution.But since the end of 2011, under the influence of the European debt crisis, the slowdown of domestic economic growth and real estate macro-control and many other negative factors at home and abroad, the continuous release of iron and steel production capacity has made the contradiction between supply and demand of the steel industry already emerging more prominent.The price of domestic steel began to decline, and the psychology of buying up or not falling helped to push up the gap between supply and demand, leading to a large area of losses for domestic steel enterprises, especially large and medium-sized steel enterprises since the middle of 2012.When dealing with this kind of crisis, the domestic steel industry mostly takes two measures: one is to tap the potential of the standard, reduce the cost and increase efficiency; the other is to focus on marketing and actively innovate.But from the practical effect, because the internal management of large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises is relatively backward, it is difficult to tap more potential, and the effect of reducing cost and increasing efficiency is limited. On the other hand, the domestic steel industry has insufficient research on marketing strategy.The application of marketing theory is unfamiliar, especially the marketing strategy of large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises is more rigid and difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing market environment.Therefore, with the increasingly deterioration of competitive environment and the decline of competitiveness, it is difficult for large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises to make up for the high internal cost and high cost with lower primary fuel material price and higher steel sales price.As the only state-owned iron and steel enterprise with the longest history and the largest output in Yunnan Province, the unique geographical advantages and strong brand advantages of Kunming Iron and Steel Corporation of WISCO are weakening with the worsening of the competitive environment in the regional industries.Its current marketing system and marketing strategy have been difficult to help Kunming Iron and Steel in sales volume breakthrough to support the rapid increase in capacity.This paper takes Kun Steel Corporation of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group as an example, considering the domestic macroeconomic situation, the current situation of supply and demand contradiction in steel industry and its position in supply chain, and combining the economic situation of Yunnan Province.Based on the analysis and prediction of supply and demand relationship of iron and steel industry in Yunnan Province, based on PEST analysis and SWOT analysis, this paper analyzes the current marketing environment of Kunming Iron and Steel Co.At the same time, the paper analyzes the competition environment and competitors of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Kun Steel Co., Ltd. Finally, under the guidance of the relationship marketing theory in marketing, on the basis of the analysis of the current situation of marketing strategy of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Kun Steel Co., Ltd.Using the six major market theories in the relationship marketing theory, from the dealer market, the consumer market, the competitor market, the supplier market, the influencer market, and the internal market, respectively,Aiming at the deficiency of its current marketing strategy, it reconstructs its marketing strategy.Through analysis and research, this paper tries to find out the shortcomings of the current marketing strategy of large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises similar to those of Kun Steel Company of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group, so as to provide reference for large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises, so as to enhance their competitive advantage as soon as possible.To accelerate the integration of steel industry and upgrade the industry as a whole, to help the domestic steel industry to a sound and sustainable development at an early date.


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