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发布时间:2018-03-31 02:27

  本文选题:薪酬 切入点:薪酬管理 出处:《兰州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国的房地产业还属于一个新兴产业,但它在我国的国民经济中占据了非常重要的地位,近年来房地产行业经济产值占到了我国GDP的近十分之一。在当前快速发展的知识经济环境下,市场的激烈竞争不可避免地导致了公司的激励手段也必须不断地进行完善。作为激励机制中最重要的部分,薪酬制度也必须不断的与时俱进。恒业房地产公司作为深圳十分具有规模的房地产企业,但是因为恒业房地产公司一直沿用公司初期的薪酬管理体系,虽然该制度在前些年确实对公司起到了很好的促进作用,但就近几年的形式来看,其薪酬管理的手段和技术已经非常的落后,进而导致了其组织内的大量优秀人才不断的离职,直接影响到了公司的人力资源成本和企业竞争力。 首先,本文精心设计了一份科学的调查问卷,结合问卷调查的反馈统计,本研究对恒业房地产公司薪酬管理体系进行了合理的诊断,从恒业房地产公司的管理人员、普通员工和销售人员等三个不同角色的薪酬体系,以及恒业房地产公司福利制度等四个方面提出了其薪酬管理体系的现存问题。并结合公司实际,详细分析了造成这些问题的四个原因。其次,本文从五个方面提出了对恒业房地产公司的薪酬体系的改革方案。尤其是其中不同岗位的薪酬设计方案,本文结合恒业房地产公司的人力资源现状分高层管理员工、中层管理员工、技术员工、普通员工和营销员工五个类别设计了不同岗位的不同薪酬标准和制度。最后,为了更好的让本文的最重要研究成果(第五章的新薪酬体系方案设计)能够顺利的在恒业房地产公司得到有效应用,本章节设计了相关的保障措施方案。通过合理绩效考核流程、公平的薪酬分配制度、注重沟通宣传、重视企业文化和引入弹性薪资等五个方面对新的薪酬体系的顺利实施提供强有力的保障。 本文在研究过程中,结合现代科学管理中的人力资源管理理论、激励机制理论、绩效考核、薪酬管理理论等理论、方法和工具,参考已有的国内外研究成果,理论联系实际,主要采用了文献研究、实地调研、问卷调查、实证分析等研究方法,充分注重理论联系实际,以恒业房地产公司为研究对象,以解决实践需要为目标,通过对恒业房地产公司的实际情况进行深入调研分析,帮助其进行薪酬体系改革,解决当前恒业房地产公司的薪酬管理中的一些不合理问题,提高其吸引和留住优秀人才的能力,对提高恒业房地产公司的管理绩效、提升企业竞争力和可持续发展能力都有着非常重要作用。同时,也为我国的同类企业在薪酬体系的设计和实行方面提供了一些新的借鉴。
[Abstract]:China's real estate industry is also a new industry, but it occupies a very important position in our national economy. In recent years, the economic output value of real estate industry accounts for nearly 1/10 of China's GDP.In the current rapid development of knowledge economy environment, the fierce competition in the market inevitably leads to the company's incentive means must be constantly improved.As the most important part of the incentive mechanism, the compensation system must keep pace with the times.Hengye Real Estate Company is a very large real estate enterprise in Shenzhen. However, because Hengye Real Estate Company has been using the initial salary management system of the company, although this system did play a very good role in promoting the company in previous years,But in the form of recent years, the means and technology of salary management have been very backward, which leads to a large number of outstanding talents in the organization to quit, which directly affects the cost of human resources and the competitiveness of the company.First of all, this paper carefully designed a scientific questionnaire, combined with the questionnaire feedback statistics, this study made a reasonable diagnosis of the compensation management system of Hengye Real Estate Company, from the management staff of Hengye Real Estate Company.This paper puts forward the existing problems of compensation management system in four aspects, namely, the compensation system of three different roles of ordinary employees and salesmen, and the welfare system of Hengye Real Estate Company.And combined with the company's actual situation, detailed analysis of the four causes of these problems.Secondly, this paper puts forward the reform scheme of compensation system of Hengye Real Estate Company from five aspects.Especially the salary design scheme of different positions, this paper combines the human resource status of Hengye real estate company into senior management staff, middle management staff, technical staff,Five categories of ordinary employees and marketing employees have designed different salary standards and systems for different positions.Finally, in order to better let the most important research results (the fifth chapter of the new compensation system design) can be successfully applied in Hengye real estate companies, this chapter designed the relevant protection measures.Through reasonable performance appraisal process, fair salary distribution system, pay attention to communication and publicity, pay attention to enterprise culture and introduce flexible salary, five aspects provide a strong guarantee for the smooth implementation of the new compensation system.In the course of the research, combining the theory of human resource management, the theory of incentive mechanism, the theory of performance appraisal, the theory of salary management and other theories, methods and tools, referring to the existing domestic and foreign research results, the theory is combined with practice.It mainly adopts literature research, field investigation, questionnaire investigation, empirical analysis and other research methods, pays full attention to integrating theory with practice, takes Hengye Real Estate Company as the research object, and aims at solving the practical needs.Through in-depth investigation and analysis of the actual situation of Hengye Real Estate Company, it helps them to carry out the reform of compensation system, and solves some unreasonable problems in the current compensation management of Hengye Real Estate Company.Improving its ability to attract and retain outstanding talents plays a very important role in improving the management performance, competitiveness and sustainable development ability of Hengye Real Estate Company.At the same time, it also provides some new reference for similar enterprises in the design and implementation of compensation system.


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