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发布时间:2018-04-01 09:27

  本文选题:房地产估价 切入点:市场比较法 出处:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:摘要:房地产估价是一种专业的经济活动。作为房地产开发经营过程中一项必不可少的环节,房地产估价己经越来越受到人们的重视,其应用领域也越来越广。房地产估价对于推动房地产价格正常化、保障市场公平交易、建立健康的市场体系具有不可估量的作用。目前,房地产估价方面的理论创新和技术发展主要还集中在美国、英国等西方国家。我国的房地产估价行业起步较晚,仍然停留在引进西方理论与技术的阶段,较少采用数学模型进行定量化评估,因而如何科学地进行房地产估价亟待解决。积极探索既与国际接轨又适用于我国现行房地产制度及市场条件的房地产估价理论和方法体系具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。 首先,本文系统论述了当前房地产价格评估中应用比较广泛的方法——市场比较法、收益法和成本法。市场比较法是目前房地产估价体系中运用范围最广而且最被认可的一种估价方法,是传统房地产估价方法的“龙头”,其它方法都是对市场比较法的变形和补充,所以,本文重点分析了市场比较法在选取交易实例、进行交易情况修正、房地产状况调整等的不足之处。其次,针对目前房地产估价方法存在的不足,本文介绍了特征价格理论,并建立特征价格模型,对商品住宅价格进行研究,并以北京市商品住宅市场为例进行实证研究。最后,本文分别用市场比较法和特征价格模型对案例进行计算,表明了利用特征价格模型能够全面地考虑各个因素对住宅价格的影响,从而得到更为合理的估价结果。
[Abstract]:Abstract: real estate valuation is a kind of professional economic activity. As an indispensable link in the process of real estate development and management, real estate valuation has been paid more and more attention by people. Real estate valuation plays an inestimable role in promoting the normalization of real estate prices, ensuring fair market transactions, and establishing a healthy market system. The theoretical innovation and technological development in real estate valuation are mainly concentrated in the United States, Britain and other western countries. The real estate valuation industry in China started relatively late and still stays at the stage of introducing western theory and technology. Mathematical models are less used for quantitative evaluation, Therefore, how to carry out real estate valuation scientifically is urgent to be solved. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to actively explore the theory and method system of real estate valuation, which is not only in line with international standards but also applicable to the current real estate system and market conditions of our country. First of all, this paper systematically discusses the current real estate price evaluation of the more widely used method-market comparison method, Income method and cost method. The market comparative method is the most widely used and accepted method in the real estate appraisal system. Is the traditional real estate valuation method "leading", other methods are to the market comparison method deformation and supplement, therefore, this paper focuses on the analysis of the market comparison method in the selection of transaction examples, the transaction situation correction, Secondly, in view of the deficiency of the current real estate appraisal method, this paper introduces the characteristic price theory, and establishes the characteristic price model to study the commodity housing price. Finally, this paper uses the market comparison method and the characteristic price model to calculate the case. It is shown that the influence of various factors on the housing price can be considered comprehensively by using the characteristic price model, and a more reasonable evaluation result can be obtained.


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