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发布时间:2018-04-03 23:05

  本文选题:平衡计分卡 切入点:商品房 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:伴随我国房地产市场竞争模式的不断升级,单纯依靠土地增值的粗放型房地产开发模式已逐渐被凭借运营增值的竞争模式所替代。而对于商品住宅营销代理公司而言,售楼处精细化运营管理体系建设的重要性也日渐突显。 天津市津房置换有限责任公司主要经营二手房经纪业务与商品房代理业务,但以独家经营的公产房置换营业收入为主,存在巨大的政策性经营风险。因此,快速发展商品房代理业务成为公司2010年以后战略重点之一。同时,基于公司独特资源与能力,售楼处精细化管理水平将成为该项业务能否迅速发展的关键所在。而在2010年时该公司的各售楼处客观存在着只关注短期财务指标、客户满意度不理想、售楼处运营流程标准化程度低、业绩被售楼处经理能力绑架等问题。基于此,公司拟在售楼处尝试导入平衡计分卡,以服务于公司商品房事业及整体发展战略。 本文以售楼处在宏观调控政策打压下的清盘与佣金回款、新项目零储备、部门经理突然辞职、团队营销能力低下等客观问题为研究起点,分别从通过增长战略与生产率战略实现售楼处佣金收入与利润双增长、通过库存与去化、蓄客与转化、品牌与服务提升开发商满意度、通过开盘组织、业务流程与开发商关系管理实现优异运营与客户亲密度战略、通过人力资本、信息资本与组织资本开发提升团队效能等四个维度,对售楼处平衡计分卡相关内容进行了深入战略解析。 实践证明,经过3年多时间的不断努力与尝试,津房置换商品房代理业务在财务收入、组织能力、品牌资产等方面取得了明显的发展,进一步验证了平衡计分卡这一战略管理工具在售楼处运营管理中的适用性。同时,在商品房售楼处创新性的导入平衡计分卡,相信会对全国数以万计的商品房代理公司以借鉴与裨益。
[Abstract]:With the escalating competition pattern of China's real estate market, relying on the extensive land value-added real estate development model has gradually been with operation mode of competition instead. And for the marketing of the real estate agency, the sales offices of the importance of meticulous operation management system construction have become more prominent.
Tianjin Tianjin Housing Replacement limited liability company mainly engaged in second-hand housing brokerage and real estate agency business, but the business income of male delivery room exclusive replacement, there is a huge risk management policy. Therefore, the rapid development of real estate agency business of the company in 2010 after one of the strategic focus. At the same time, the company's unique resources and capabilities based on the sales offices, the fine management level will become the key of the business can develop quickly. In 2010 the sales offices of the company exist only focus on short-term financial indicators, customer satisfaction is not ideal, the sales offices of operation process, low degree of standardization, the performance of sales offices manager ability of abduction and other issues. Based on this, the company intends to try to import the Balanced Scorecard in the sales offices, to serve the real estate business strategy and overall development.
According to the sales offices in the macro-control policy to suppress the liquidation and payment of commission, the new project zero reserves manager suddenly quit, team marketing ability is low objective problem as the research starting point, separately from the strategy and strategy by increasing productivity growth to achieve double sales commission income and profit, and go through the inventory, storage and transformation developers, enhance the brand and service satisfaction, through opening organization, business process and developers relationship management achieve excellent operation and customer intimacy strategy, through human capital, information capital and organizational capital in four dimensions made to improve team efficiency, the sales offices of the Balanced Scorecard related content in-depth strategic analysis.
Practice has proved that through continuous efforts and try for more than 3 years, Tianjin housing replacement of real estate agency business organizations in the financial income, ability, brand equity has achieved remarkable development, further validation of the balanced scorecard which is a strategic management tool in the application of Science in the sales offices in the import operation. At the same time, balanced scorecard innovative commercial housing sales offices of the card, I believe the tens of thousands of national commercial housing agency to reference and benefit.



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1 沈伟民;;罗伯特·卡普兰:升级平衡计分卡[J];经理人;2011年03期




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