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发布时间:2018-04-08 22:36

  本文选题:税务风险 切入点:管理 出处:《中央民族大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Looking at the current practice of enterprise management, the management of enterprises often pay more attention to financial risk management, but not to tax risk management, which is as important as the financial risk management.However, with the increasingly procedural and regularized management of taxation by the state and the increasing intensity of tax inspection, tax evasion and tax evasion are becoming more and more difficult to hide. Once they are investigated and dealt with, enterprises will bear enormous risks.Tax cost has become an important factor affecting the economic benefits of enterprises.After entering the 21st century, the real estate industry has developed rapidly, has made a great contribution to the national tax revenue, and has a remarkable effect on the economy. It has become the pillar industry of the national economy and is far ahead of other industries.But on the other hand, behind the rapid development of the real estate industry is the complex external environment and increasingly diversified business activities, as well as the industry in the national scope for a long time to become the focus of national inspection object.The tax environment affects all aspects of real estate companies, including investment plans, project construction, product sales, and even corporate cash flow and social reputation.It is urgent to strengthen the research on tax risk management of enterprises, especially real estate enterprises.This paper chooses A real estate company as a case study of real estate enterprise tax risk management system.By looking for the problems and their causes in the tax risk management of A real estate company, and putting forward targeted improvement measures to help the company to reduce the tax risk, reduce the operating cost, and enhance the competitiveness of the market.To maximize the operating efficiency of the company.Specifically divided into six chapters, the first chapter is an introduction.Based on the background and significance of the research, this paper introduces the concept of tax risk, the goal of tax risk management, the formation mechanism of tax risk, the countermeasures of tax risk management and so on by means of literature review.On this basis, the research framework and research methods are determined.The second chapter is the theoretical analysis.In this chapter, the concept of tax risk, the development stage of tax risk, the characteristics of tax risk and the management goal of tax risk are introduced.The third chapter introduces the general situation of real estate tax and tax risk management.On this basis, the basic situation of A real estate company, tax situation and the current tax risk management state are briefly introduced.The fourth chapter illustrates the typical tax risk problems of A real estate company in the process of project management, and analyzes them deeply, and puts forward the objective reasons and subjective reasons of the tax risk problems in the company.In the fifth chapter, aiming at the tax risk problem of A real estate company, a series of operable suggestions are put forward, that is, the construction of tax risk identification, evaluation and control system by constructing risk management mechanism.Perfect planning and other ways to establish and improve A company's tax risk management system.Chapter six is the conclusion of the thesis.Through the research of A real estate company, the author hopes to enrich the discussion and research on the tax risk management system of real estate industry to a certain extent.


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