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发布时间:2018-04-11 03:38

  本文选题:宏观调控政策 + 商品住宅 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产业是国民经济发展中的基础产业、先导产业和支柱产业,随着房地产业在国民经济发展中的地位不断提升,房地产价格水平也随之上涨。特别是2008年金融危机之后,随着我国宏观经济形势逐渐向好发展,房价暴涨趋势日益明显。高额的房价已逐渐让居民无法承受,房地产市场的不健康发展逐渐成为制约我国经济可持续发展的重要因素。房地产在国民经济中的支柱地位和其对经济可持续发展中的作用相矛盾,这时候就需要政府采取相应宏观调控政策来调节这一矛盾。 房地产市场发展至今,政府虽然已经多次出台宏观调控政策对发展过热的房地产市场进行干预调节,但是最后总是以调控效果不佳收尾。在这种严峻的背景下,,2011年政府出台以限购令为首的一系列严厉的宏观调控政策。限购令的出台能否达到理想的调控效果,能否使商品住宅市场成交价格下降或者减速上涨至与居民收入水平相适应,能否使非理性发展的房地产市场恢复理性,这些我们值得研究的课题。 本文通过研究并总结房地产市场相关基本理论,选取成交量和成交价格作为商品住宅市场特征指标,并分析宏观调控政策与特征指标的关系,研究宏观调控政策对成交量和成交价格的作用原理。同时从限购令出发,分析我国房地产市场宏观调控政策调控背景和目的,并对宏观调控政策具体内容进行解读。结合宏观调控政策内容和目的,一方面通过对限购令前后商品住宅成交量的研究,建立供求曲线模型,分析限购令对南昌市商品住宅成交量的调控效果;另一方面通过对商品住宅成交价格的研究,建立经济学模型,从限购令入手结合南昌市历年来重大宏观调控政策颁布前后商品住宅市场成交价格数据,运用Eviews5.1数据分析软件对模型进行检验,研究限购令等宏观调控政策对南昌市商品住宅市场成交价格的调控效果。得出研究结论,并根据结论提出对宏观调控政策的建议。
[Abstract]:Real estate industry is the basic industry in the development of national economy, leading industry and pillar industry. With the status of real estate industry in the development of national economy rising, the price level of real estate also rises.Especially after the financial crisis in 2008, with the development of macroeconomic situation in China, the trend of house price skyrocketing is becoming more and more obvious.The high housing prices have gradually made the residents unable to bear, and the unhealthy development of the real estate market has gradually become an important factor restricting the sustainable development of our economy.The status of real estate in the national economy and its role in the sustainable development of the economy are contradictory. At this time, the government needs to adopt corresponding macro-control policies to adjust this contradiction.Since the development of the real estate market, although the government has issued a number of macro-control policies to intervene and regulate the overheated real estate market, it always ends with a poor regulatory effect.Against this grim backdrop, the government introduced a series of strict macro-control policies led by purchase restrictions in 2011.Can the introduction of the purchase restriction order achieve an ideal regulatory effect, can the transaction price of the commodity housing market drop or slow down to a level commensurate with the income level of the residents, and can the irrational development of the real estate market be restored to rationality?These topics are worthy of our study.By studying and summarizing the basic theories of the real estate market, this paper selects the transaction volume and the transaction price as the characteristic index of the commodity housing market, and analyzes the relationship between the macro-control policy and the characteristic index.This paper studies the effect of macro-control policy on transaction volume and transaction price.At the same time, this paper analyzes the background and purpose of macro-control policy of real estate market in China, and interprets the concrete contents of macro-control policy.Combined with the content and purpose of macro-control policy, on the one hand, through the study of the trading volume of commercial housing before and after the purchase restriction order, the model of supply and demand curve is established to analyze the effect of the purchase restriction order on the trading volume of commodity residence in Nanchang City.On the other hand, through the research on the transaction price of commercial housing, the economic model is established, and the transaction price data of commercial housing market before and after the promulgation of major macro-control policies over the years in Nanchang City are combined with the purchase restriction.This paper uses Eviews5.1 data analysis software to test the model, and studies the effect of macro-control policies such as purchase restriction on the transaction price of commodity housing market in Nanchang.Draw the conclusion of the study, and put forward the macro-control policy recommendations according to the conclusion.


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