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发布时间:2018-04-11 16:40

  本文选题:信息化 + 房地产开发企业工程 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:信息化是继工业化之后人类文明发展的一个重大的飞跃。工程管理信息化是基于信息技术在其领域的使用而发展起来的,主要用于企业信息数据的处理和分析。随着我国信息化技术的深入快速发展以及市场竞争不断加剧,各类建筑企业也逐渐关注自身的信息化建设,结合其经营的实际情况采用各种信息化手段,信息化开始日益得到关注。其中一些经营规模庞大、发展水平高的企业首先建立了局域网,为企业各部门和层级的信息共享提供了条件,同时,信息化综合管理平台也日益受到行业企业的重视。 信息化不是简单的买台电脑,联上网络就解决了的问题,无法真正有效应用,这个问题让很多企业仅仅只是花了大价钱买了设备,买了软件,但却成为一种摆设。在普及的过程中,如何从理论到实践成为了各大企业摆在面前的难题。让企业的发展计划赶上越来越快的信息化技术的发展成了企业管理人员必须予以认真考虑的问题,在建筑业内,制定项目规划不是空谈,而是要用于实实在在的行动,不会等到所有的事情都安排妥当了才开始去做,变化不断地在发生着,但是,如果要通过信息化来提升企业的管理水平和项目的管理能力,就必须要找到其中的关键问题。 本研究以业内工程项目信息化为背景,首先运用层次分析法,找到其中的难点及风险点,通过对各环节的比较研究,分析在实际运用中所遇到的问题,并探讨相关的解决方法,为项目管理信息化的应用提供借鉴和帮助。
[Abstract]:Informationization is a great leap forward in the development of human civilization after industrialization.Engineering management information is based on the use of information technology in its field and is mainly used in the processing and analysis of enterprise information data.With the rapid development of information technology and the increasing competition in the market, all kinds of construction enterprises pay attention to their own information construction and adopt various kinds of information means according to the actual situation of their management.Informationization begins to get attention day by day.Among them, some enterprises with large scale and high level of development first set up local area network (LAN), which provides the conditions for the information sharing of various departments and levels of the enterprise. At the same time, the information integrated management platform is paid more and more attention by the industry enterprises.Information technology is not a simple purchase of a computer, connected to the network to solve the problem, can not really effective application, this problem let many enterprises just spend a lot of money to buy equipment, bought software, but become a decoration.In the process of popularization, how to go from theory to practice has become a difficult problem in front of big enterprises.Making the enterprise's development plan catch up with the rapid development of information technology has become an issue that enterprise managers must seriously consider. In the construction industry, making project planning is not empty talk, but should be used for concrete actions.It will not wait until all things are arranged properly to start to do, changes are constantly happening, but if we want to improve the management level and project management ability of enterprises through information, we must find the key issues among them.This research takes the industry engineering project information as the background, first uses the analytic hierarchy process, finds the difficulty and the risk point, through the comparison research to each link, analyzes the question which meets in the actual application, and discusses the related solution.To provide reference and help for the application of project management information.


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