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发布时间:2018-04-13 08:27

  本文选题:生产性服务业 + 全要素生产率 ; 参考:《商业时代》2014年35期

[Abstract]:Based on the nonparametric Malmquist index model, this paper empirically analyzes the total factor productivity and regional differences of producer services in five provinces of Northwest China from 2005 to 2012.The results show that the productive service industry in the five provinces of Northwest China follows the extensive growth mode, the total factor productivity is on the low side, the promotion only depends on the technical progress, and the technical efficiency is very weak.The development of Gansu financial industry is relatively slow; Ningxia's transportation, storage and postal services and information transmission, computer services and software industries are relatively weak; Qinghai's real estate, leasing and business services industries are relatively weak.Scientific research and technical services need to be further improved; traditional producer services such as transportation, storage and postal services in Shaanxi lag behind the real estate industry and high-tech industries; and the development structure of various industries in Xinjiang is too uniform.Lack of leading industries, etc.
【作者单位】: 石河子大学商学院;


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