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发布时间:2018-04-14 02:04

  本文选题:房地产行业 + 动态融资战略 ; 参考:《浙江工商大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, the real estate industry is still the pillar industry of the national economy. Once the real estate industry falls into a high risk state, the macro economy may have systemic risks.As a capital-intensive industry, real estate industry is prone to financial distress due to its large investment, long payback period, weak liquidity and frequent policy changes and fierce market competition.Therefore, it is beneficial to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the real estate industry and to promote the steady and healthy growth of the national economy by making a scientific dynamic financing strategy, raising the funds needed for the survival and development of the enterprises, and effectively controlling and preventing the financial risks of the enterprises.Green City China Holdings Co., Ltd. (stock symbol: 3900.HK, or "Green City China") is a well-known real estate company in China. It has repeatedly encountered a crisis in the capital chain, but through the dynamic adjustment of its financing strategy, it has failed to fundamentally eliminate financial risks.But it can always turn the corner in the dangerous financial distress, and control the financial risk in a certain range.This paper takes the dynamic financing strategy and financial risk of Green City China as the research object. On the basis of analyzing the financial risk of Green City China, the dynamic adjustment of its financing strategy is divided into three stages, from the financing scale, the financing mode, the dividend policy.This paper analyzes the dynamic financing strategy of Green City China from four aspects of capital structure, and studies the internal mechanism between dynamic financing strategy and financial risk.This paper summarizes the experience and lessons of financing strategy formulation and financial risk prevention in Green City China, and provides useful suggestions for the formulation of financing strategy and financial risk prevention for Chinese real estate enterprises.Based on the case study of Green City in China, this paper draws the following conclusions: first, the financing strategy of real estate enterprises should be dynamically adjusted according to their financial risk.Secondly, the financial risk of real estate enterprises can be prevented and controlled in real-time by making dynamic financing strategy.Third, the financing strategy of high financial leverage may lead to higher financial risk.Fourth, the development and innovation of financing tools are conducive to reducing financial risk.Fifthly, the introduction of strategic investors through project transfer, or even the relinquishment of control by large shareholders, can help real estate enterprises to prevent the breakage of the capital chain and control financial risks within a certain range.Through the case study of Green City in China, this paper summarizes the experience and enlightenment that can be used for reference by domestic real estate enterprises: first, to improve their own management level is the fundamental means for real estate enterprises to control financial risks.Second, the establishment of a scientific dynamic financing strategy can effectively control financial risks.Third, the establishment of financial risk warning mechanism is an important means to prevent financial risks.Fourth, the development and innovation of financing tools are conducive to reducing financial risk.Fifth, the introduction of strategic investors or even give up control is also an important way to prevent financial risks.The innovation of this paper is reflected in two aspects: the breakthrough point and the novelty of the case.As far as the research entry point is concerned, this paper focuses on the dynamic adjustment process of "financing strategy-financial risk-financing strategy adjustment-financial risk control" with the financing strategy of dynamic adjustment as the starting point.Different from the existing research literature, this paper analyzes the financing strategy and financial risk prevention from the perspective of enterprise life cycle.From the point of view of the research object, Green City China has particularity in financing innovation.For example, Green City China successfully used convertible bond financing before IPO for the first time, used high-interest bond financing for the first time, and so on. It has become a landmark debt management transaction of Chinese real estate enterprises, which makes the research case of this paper novel.


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