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发布时间:2018-04-15 12:54

  本文选题:次贷危机 + 金融监管 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2007年爆发的次贷危机,使得美国的金融市场发生了很大的变化,美国的经济进入了颓废期,同时世界的经济都进行了不同程度的衰退。此次爆发的次贷危机,我们之所以称之为次贷危机,从词义上面解释就是说因为由次级贷款所引起的,它开始于美国的房地产泡沫,进而由房地产市场通过金融衍生品无限创新传播到资本市场,使得原本发生于金融市场的危机扩散到美国的实体经济。由于此次的危机,全球的金融市场在很大程度上都遭到了重创,许多大型的金融机构都倒闭了或者被兼并。而从此次危机发生的原因来看,金融监管机构有不可推卸的责任,就是因为金融监管机构放任不管,或者是监管不力,才导致的危机,曾有专家学者说对金融市场最好的监管就是放任不管,而次贷危机的爆发给了这种说法当头一棒。因此,世界各个经济体开始进行采取各种措施来进行金融监管。 本文主要采用了比较研究法、规范分析法以及历史分析法来对文章来分析。本文是从此次次贷危机与金融监管之间存在的关系出发的,首先分析了金融监管的理论基础,阐述此次危机发生的原因,危机中爆发出的金融监管的缺失。其次详细的分析了次贷危机发生前世界主要发达国家美国、英国以及日本这三个具有代表性的国家所执行的金融监管体系的特点,当危机发生以后,他们根据自身的情况所采取的不同的金融监管改革,例如美国出台多德弗兰克法案,英国重新恢复对英格兰银行宏观审慎的地位等。最后分析关于我国金融监管的部分,首先阐述了我国金融监管的历史发展,,从计划经济时代到现在的金融监管现状。由于我国金融市场是实行的是分业经营,各个金融机构的功能都相对比较单一,我国金融市场也需要向发达国家发展一样往混业经营的方向发展,所以我国金融监管体系的走向也显得尤为重要。本文针对我国金融监管现状以及金融监管存在的问题,我们借鉴世界主要发达国家对金融监管改革的重点对我国金融监管改革提出了政策意见。
[Abstract]:The subprime mortgage crisis broke out in 2007, which made the financial market of the United States change a lot, the American economy entered into a period of decline, and the world economy was in different degrees of recession.The subprime mortgage crisis that broke out this time, which we call the subprime mortgage crisis, is explained from the word meaning, that is, because it started from the real estate bubble in the United States, caused by subprime loans.Then the real estate market spreads to the capital market through the unlimited innovation of financial derivatives, which makes the crisis that occurred in the financial market spread to the real economy of the United States.As a result of the crisis, financial markets around the world have been hit hard to a large extent, many large financial institutions have been closed down or merged.And the reason for this crisis is that financial regulators have the unshirkable responsibility, that is, because financial regulatory institutions let go of the crisis, or because of inadequate supervision, it is the crisis that resulted from it.Experts and scholars have said that the best regulation of financial markets is to let go, and the outbreak of the subprime crisis hit the head.Therefore, the world's economies began to take various measures to carry out financial regulation.This article mainly uses the comparative research method, the norm analysis method and the historical analysis method to analyze the article.This paper starts from the relationship between the subprime mortgage crisis and financial supervision. Firstly, it analyzes the theoretical basis of financial supervision, explains the causes of the crisis, and the lack of financial supervision that broke out in the crisis.Secondly, the characteristics of the financial supervision system implemented by the three representative countries, the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan, before the subprime mortgage crisis were analyzed in detail. When the crisis occurred,They have adopted different financial regulatory reforms based on their own circumstances, such as the introduction of the Dode Frank Act in the United States and Britain's restoration of its macro-prudential status to the Bank of England.At the end of this paper, the author analyzes the part of financial supervision in our country, and expounds the historical development of financial supervision in China, from the planned economy era to the present situation of financial supervision.As the financial market of our country is operated separately, and the functions of each financial institution are relatively single, our financial market also needs to develop in the same direction as the developed countries in the direction of mixed operation.Therefore, the direction of our financial supervision system is particularly important.In view of the present situation of financial supervision in China and the problems existing in financial supervision, we draw lessons from the emphasis of major developed countries on the reform of financial supervision and put forward some policy suggestions on the reform of financial supervision in China.


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