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发布时间:2018-04-16 04:13

  本文选题:土地增值收益 + 土地级别 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Hebei Province is in the period of rapid development of urbanization, urban population is increasing rapidly, the area of urban land is expanding, the contradiction between man and land is becoming more and more prominent, and the land price is rising, which leads to the shortage of urban land supply.In recent years, the research on land revenue and its increment is increasing day by day. However, it mainly involves the connotation, characteristics, classification, cause of formation of land increment, but the quantitative and spatial distribution of land increment is seldom studied.Especially in the process of urban land transfer, the calculation of the amount of repaying transfer fee has been lack of scientific and uniform standard.This paper uses the method of market investigation and theoretical calculation to measure the value added income of urban commercial land and residential land, and compares the average level of sample point data in different levels, trying to expound the commercial land of different grades.The difference of the increment space of residential land price provides a reference basis for the government to determine the standard of transfer fee and the investment decision of the real estate enterprise in the process of land transfer.Through the elaboration of the connotation of land increment, this paper puts forward the concepts of land value-added income and land value-added yield, and analyzes the influencing factors of land increment and land value-added yield from different aspects.Through the investigation of the actual sample points in 11 cities in Hebei Province, the commercial land and the value-added rate of residential land transfer are calculated by comparing the regional average market selling price with the cost obtaining price.For the value-added income caused by the change of the land use in the city, the difference of the market land price is directly used to determine the value. Through the example calculation, it is found that the cost of the land demolition within the city has a large imbalance.The value added income of urban land is mainly affected by the regional average removal volume and the planned volume ratio, which has a large spatial difference. Through the calculation, it is found that there is a break-even point between the removal volume and the transfer volume ratio.The balance point changes with the cost of demolition and the transfer price.


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