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发布时间:2018-04-16 05:23

  本文选题:绿色住宅 + 评价体系 ; 参考:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:建筑是人类改造自然杰出的产物,然而建筑在建筑和使用过程中,对自然生态系统有着严重的影响。建筑在建设初期使用了大量的自然资源,而在使用期将会产生水、空气、固体废物等多方面的污染同时也会产生大量的能源消耗,这与人类可持续发展的宣言是相悖的。绿色建筑是建筑行业可持续发展的基础。 自从我国出现商品房以来,伴随着经济的飞速发展,我国2000年以后的房地产市场是我国房地产发展的黄金10年。然而近些年,,尤其是2008年美国“次贷”危机以后,国家针对房地产市场的调控政策频出,调控力度逐渐加强,我国房地产市场已由“卖方”市场逐步转变为“买方”市场,所以,在此市场环境下开发企业需要对“产品”进行升级,绿色住宅产品成为了众多开发企业产品升级的首选,然而我国绿色住宅在很多区域认知度很低或者“零”认知,所以在我国绿色住宅的营销推广变得尤为重要。 本文首先就绿色住宅和4Ps组合营销理论进行了探讨分析,之后针对绿色住宅产品的开发进行了分析探讨,最后介绍了“世茂生态城”、“当代MOMA”、“南京锋尚国际公寓”、“南京郎诗国际街区”等绿色住宅项目进行了介绍,找出了绿色住宅在营销策划过程中的三个难点,结合“世茂生态城”、“当代MOMA”两个实际案例结合4Ps组合营销理论进行了深入的分析,同时针对“世茂生态城”给出了一些方案建议。
[Abstract]:Architecture is an outstanding product of human beings' transformation of nature. However, it has a serious impact on natural ecosystem in the process of building and using.At the beginning of construction, a large number of natural resources were used in the building, but the pollution of water, air, solid waste and other aspects will also produce a large amount of energy consumption during the life of the building, which is contrary to the declaration of sustainable development of human beings.Green building is the foundation of sustainable development of construction industry.Since the emergence of commercial housing in China, with the rapid development of the economy, the real estate market in China since 2000 is the golden decade of the development of real estate in China.However, in recent years, especially after the "subprime mortgage" crisis in the United States in 2008, the national regulation and control policy for the real estate market has been frequent, the regulation and control has been gradually strengthened, the real estate market in our country has gradually changed from "seller" market to "buyer" market.Therefore, in this market environment, development enterprises need to upgrade "products", green housing products have become the first choice for many development enterprises to upgrade their products. However, the recognition of green housing in many regions in China is very low or "zero" cognition.So the marketing promotion of green house becomes more and more important in our country.This paper first discusses and analyzes the combination marketing theory of green house and 4Ps, then analyzes the development of green house products, and finally introduces "Shimao Ecological City", "Contemporary MOMA", "Nanjing Fengshan International apartment".The green housing projects such as "Nanjing Langshi International Block" are introduced, three difficult points in the marketing planning process of green housing are found, and combined with "Shimao Ecological City",Two practical cases of "contemporary MOMA" combined with the theory of 4Ps combination marketing are analyzed in depth, and some suggestions are given for "Shimao Ecological City" at the same time.


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