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发布时间:2018-04-19 06:36

  本文选题:建筑行业 + 人力资源开发 ; 参考:《云南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,云南建工集团大力实施“转方式,调结构”,经营项目向经营资源转变,调整产业结构,践行效益至尊,集团已由传统的施工企业逐步发展成为集投融资、房地产开发,工程项目总承包为一体的大型建设企业集团。在转型发展的过程中,一方面受市场及政策影响,转型发展的任务紧迫,一方面人才总量不足,结构不合理,适应转型发展的人才匮乏等问题突出,制约转型发展。如何适应转型发展,做好人才开发工作,急待解决。 本文结合所在企业行业现状、人力资源现状,从人力资源组织体系建设、人才培养体系建设、激励约束机制的建立、人才晋升体系建设、人才工作机制建设等方面,深入阐释建工集团如何在转型背景下,做好企业人力资源开发工作。目的是通过人才培养体系建设,明确人力资源管理分工,完善人力资源管理流程,使人力资源管理工作得到真正落实;通过激励约束机制的建立,加强企业活力,极大限度发挥员工能动性,形成目标明确,考核到位,不断改进的工作氛围;通过人才晋升体系的建立,为员工提供公平合理的晋升通道,在企业内部形成能上能下,人才梯次成长的局面;通过完善沟通渠道,解决建筑施工企业沟通问题,缩短信息传递流程,使企业内部信息最快,最全面的共享。人力资源管理工作是企业文化落地的核心,通过发挥企业文化魅力,使企业内部“以人为本”的理念得到真正落实。总之,本文从务实的角度出发,力求实效,提出一些解决对策,对建筑施工企业如何做好人力资源开发具有一定借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:In recent years, Yunnan Construction and Engineering Group has vigorously implemented "changing mode, adjusting structure", transforming management projects into management resources, adjusting industrial structure and practicing the highest benefit. The group has gradually developed from a traditional construction enterprise to a set of investment and financing.Real estate development, project contracting as one of the large-scale construction enterprise group.In the process of transformation and development, on the one hand, the task of transition and development is urgent, on the one hand, the task of transition and development is urgent; on the other hand, the total amount of talents is insufficient, the structure is unreasonable, and the talent shortage adapted to the transition and development is prominent, which restricts the transition and development.How to adapt to the transformation and development, do a good job of talent development, urgent need to be solved.According to the present situation of the enterprise industry and human resources, this paper focuses on the construction of human resource organization system, the construction of talent training system, the establishment of incentive and restraint mechanism, the construction of talent promotion system, the construction of talent working mechanism, etc.Explain in depth how the construction engineering group in the context of transformation, do a good job in human resources development.The purpose of this paper is to make the human resource management work really carry out through the construction of talent training system, to clarify the division of labor in human resource management, to perfect the process of human resource management, to strengthen the vitality of enterprises through the establishment of incentive and restraint mechanism.To give full play to the initiative of the staff, to form a working atmosphere with clear objectives, proper assessment and continuous improvement; to provide a fair and reasonable path for the promotion of employees through the establishment of a talent promotion system, and to form a capable and capable person within the enterprise.Through perfecting the communication channel, solving the communication problem of the construction enterprises, shortening the information transmission process, making the internal information of the enterprise the fastest and most comprehensive sharing.Human resource management is the core of enterprise culture. By giving full play to the charm of enterprise culture, the idea of "people-oriented" within the enterprise can be truly implemented.In a word, this paper, from a pragmatic point of view, strives for practical results, and puts forward some countermeasures, which can be used for reference in how to develop human resources in construction enterprises.


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