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发布时间:2018-04-22 07:40

  本文选题:城市化 + 农村征地 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近几年来,随着经济的快速增长,加快城市化建设成为我国面临的重要课题,在此背景下房屋征收项目不断增多、力度不断加大。在房屋征收过程中,各级政府虽然基本做到了依法行政,维护被征收群众的合法权益,确保房屋征收大局的基本稳定,但由于房屋征收涉及群众利益的方方面面,工作难免有不到位、不规范的地方,也引发了不少信访问题。房屋征收中的信访问题,已成为当前影响社会稳定的热点、难点问题之一。现有的《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》虽然对政府主导征收的行为从法律上进行了确认和规范,但在具体实践中我们仍然可以发现有的地方政府采取威胁手段强迫被征收人签订不平等条约,有的不经过法定程序即用行政手段实施强行征收。一些地方的征收管理部门与征收单位、房地产评估机构和房屋测绘单位政企不分,造成房屋征收市场不公平、不透明,以至形成部门垄断。一些地方政府部门授意或暗示房地产评估机构,在实施房地产评估活动中有意压低评估价格,使被征收人的利益受到损害,甚至胁迫评估机构按授意评估,致使评估市场一些评估项目的价格扭曲,有失合理公正原则。这些问题使房屋征收信访,尤其是集体信访呈逐年上升趋势。这已经影响到百姓对政府的信任度,影响到政府在百姓心中的形象。 信访制度作为我国独特的一项监督制度,在上达民意,解决纠纷方面一直起到了重要的作用。在我国司法制度建设还不成熟的背景下,征收问题往往通过信访途径来解决。但是由于信访制度自身也有其局限和缺陷,,导致被征收人在上访过程中又出现新的矛盾。基层政府为了“维稳”,往往对信访户进行强制手段,严重侵害了信访人的人身权力。故此,探讨信访制度在城市农村房屋征收和征地工作中如何发挥自己的作用,且完善该作用就是成为本文的重点。本文先着力分别分析了基层政府在城市和农村地区征收中的信访工作的不足,并且认真提炼了被征收人在上访过程中到底有哪些诉求。通过分析城市和农村地区在解决征收工作中的信访工作的不足和被征收人的诉求,来寻找目前我国城市农村房屋征收工作中的症结所在,进而提出了本人在解决这些问题的建议和对策。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid growth of economy, speeding up the construction of urbanization has become an important subject in China. In the process of housing collection, although governments at all levels have basically managed according to law, safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the people who have been expropriated, and ensured the basic stability of the overall situation of housing expropriation, because housing collection involves all aspects of the interests of the masses, Work unavoidably not in place, not standardized places, but also caused a lot of letters and visits. The issue of letters and visits in house collection has become one of the hot and difficult problems affecting social stability. The existing regulations on the Collection and compensation of Housing on State-owned Land although the acts of government-led expropriation have been legally recognized and standardized, However, in practice, we can still find that some local governments use threatening means to force the expropriated person to sign unequal treaties, and some use administrative means to impose expropriation without legal procedure. In some places, the collection management departments are not separated from the collection units, the real estate evaluation agencies and the housing surveying and mapping units, resulting in the unfair and opaque housing collection market, and even the formation of a departmental monopoly. Some local government departments have instructed or implied that real estate appraisal agencies deliberately lower the assessment price in the implementation of real estate evaluation activities, thereby harming the interests of the expropriated persons, and even coercing the evaluation agencies to assess them according to instructions. The price of some evaluation items in the evaluation market is distorted, which is not reasonable and fair. These problems make house collection letters, especially collective letters and visits are rising year by year. This has affected the people's trust in the government, affect the image of the government in the people's hearts. As a unique supervision system in China, the petition system has played an important role in reaching public opinion and resolving disputes. Under the background of immature construction of judicial system in our country, the problem of expropriation is often solved by means of letters and visits. However, the system of petition itself has its limitations and defects, which leads to new contradictions in the process of petition. In order to maintain stability, grassroots governments often impose coercive measures on petitioners, which seriously infringe upon the personal rights of petitioners. Therefore, it is the focus of this paper to probe into how the petition system can play its role in the collection and land requisition of urban and rural houses. This paper analyzes the deficiency of the petition work of the grass-roots government in the urban and rural areas, and abstracts the appeal of the expropriated person in the process of petition. Through the analysis of the deficiency of the petition work and the demands of the expropriated people in the urban and rural areas, to find out the crux of the current urban and rural housing collection work in our country. Then I put forward my suggestions and countermeasures to solve these problems.


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5 杜泽芳,王立生;论旧城改造拆迁安置[J];辽宁建材;2000年04期




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