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发布时间:2018-04-22 11:33

  本文选题:山东金城荣基地产有限公司 + 发展战略 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自改革开放至今的30年时间里,中国内地的房地产行业经历了从初步发展、快速成长到逐步走向成熟的过程。1998年国务院取消了福利分房制度后,随着住房制度改革的深入,住房分配货币化政策的全面实施,国内宏观经济态势良好、居民收入增长形成的需求拉动力,居民消费结构升级、改善住房条件的内在驱动力,住房消费信贷支持的助动力,城市化进程加快的外在带动力,这些因素推动房地产市场出现了空前的繁荣,房地产业己经成为国民经济的支柱产业之一。房地产业的迅速发展,推动了国民经济的快速增长,改善了居民的居住质量;然而,随着房地产市场繁荣而来的是房价的步步攀升,针对房地产调控的土地政策、财税政策、货币政策密集出台,行业竞争也变得越来越激烈,再加上土地、原材料、人工等成本上升,房地产企业的利润空间被大幅压缩,行业竞争变得越来越激烈。这种竞争将是一个大浪淘沙的过程,房地产业的门槛将逐渐抬高,综合实力和有效的战略定位将决定一个房地产企业能走多高走多远。 山东金城荣基地产有限公司成立于1993年,是一家以房地产开发为主营业务的有限责任公司,公司的发起单位淄博金城实业股份有限公司是一家有近五十年发展历史、年产值逾30亿元,跨医药化工和建筑房地产两大产业板块的大型民营企业集团。近几年来,,公司先后开发建设了馨苑小区、西领雅苑、锦绣花苑玫瑰园等住宅项目,都取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。目前,公司正在开发建设“康桥名郡”和“春天里”两个项目,公司业务取得了较快的发展,在区域市场内拥有一定的知名度和影响力;但公司也存在着战略体系欠缺、获取土地的能力有待提高、人力资源结构不合理、策划和营销工作亟需改善等问题。 本文首先对战略管理的相关理论以及房地产行业发展的相关知识进行分析和研究,并结合金城荣基公司的企业实际,对公司的发展战略进行探讨。作者对金城荣基公司所面临的企业内部和外部环境进行了分析,并运用SWOT模型对荣基公司自身的优势和劣势、以及所面临的机会和威胁进行分析,进而结合近几年来国内外房地产行业发展的模式以及相关背景、淄博市房地产市场的宏观环境,对荣基公司在经营管理中存在的问题进行了探讨。最后,作者结合企业战略管理的相关理论知识,对荣基公司战略的发展现状作了客观的评价,并通过对荣基公司的外部环境和内部资源的分析评价,结合公司的经营能力和发展需要,对今后企业发展的战略方向进行探讨,并从战略体系建设、战略资源整合能力、企业文化建设、企业内部管理、企业品牌建设五个方面为企业战略的实施提供保障。
[Abstract]:In the 30 years since the reform and opening up to the outside world, the real estate industry in mainland China has experienced a process from initial development, rapid growth to maturity. After the State Council abolished the welfare housing division system in 1998, with the deepening of the housing system reform, With the full implementation of the policy of monetization of housing distribution, the domestic macroeconomic situation is good, the demand driven by the growth of residents' income, the upgrading of residents' consumption structure, the internal driving force of improving housing conditions, and the supporting power of housing consumption credit support. With the acceleration of urbanization, the real estate industry has become one of the pillar industries of the national economy. The rapid development of the real estate industry has promoted the rapid growth of the national economy and improved the living quality of the residents. However, with the prosperity of the real estate market, the housing prices have risen step by step. With the intensive introduction of monetary policy, industry competition has become more and more intense, coupled with the rising costs of land, raw materials and labor, real estate companies' profit space has been greatly compressed, industry competition has become more and more fierce. This kind of competition will be a process of big wave scouring sand, the doorsill of real estate industry will raise gradually, the comprehensive strength and effective strategic orientation will decide how high a real estate enterprise can go and how far it can go. Shandong Jinchengrong Base Industry Co., Ltd. was established in 1993. It is a limited liability company with real estate development as its main business. Zibo Jincheng Industrial Co., Ltd., the sponsor of the company, is a company with a history of nearly 50 years. Annual output value of more than 3 billion yuan, across the pharmaceutical chemical industry and real estate industry plate of large private enterprise groups. In recent years, the company has developed and built Xinyuan District, Xilun Yayuan, Jinxiuhuayuan Rose Garden and other residential projects, which have achieved good economic and social benefits. At present, the company is developing and constructing two projects, "Kangqiao County" and "Spring County". The company's business has made relatively rapid development, and it has a certain popularity and influence in the regional market. However, the company also has a lack of strategic system. The ability to acquire land needs to be improved, the structure of human resources is unreasonable, and the planning and marketing work needs to be improved. Firstly, this paper analyzes and studies the theory of strategic management and the knowledge of the development of real estate industry, and discusses the development strategy of Jincheng Rongji Company. The author analyzes the internal and external environment of Jincheng Rongji Company, and uses SWOT model to analyze its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats it faces. Combined with the domestic and foreign real estate industry development model and related background in recent years, the macro environment of real estate market in Zibo City, the problems existing in the management of Rongji Company are discussed. Finally, the author makes an objective evaluation on the present situation of the development of the company's strategy, and analyzes and evaluates the external environment and internal resources of the company through the combination of the relevant theoretical knowledge of the enterprise's strategic management. Combined with the management ability and development needs of the company, the strategic direction of the future development of the enterprise is discussed, and from the strategic system construction, the strategic resources integration ability, the enterprise culture construction, the enterprise internal management, Five aspects of enterprise brand construction provide guarantee for the implementation of enterprise strategy.


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