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发布时间:2018-04-23 08:40

  本文选题:城中村改造 + 土地与房屋征收 ; 参考:《新疆农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在我国城市化进程加速以及城乡二元特殊结构的背景下,出现了城市包围农村的“城中村”现象。城中村对城市发展起到积极推动作用的同时也带来了诸多负面问题,如当前城中村所表现出来的生活环境差、建筑密度较高、普遍缺乏科学规划性等。由此,如何一方面逐步推进城中村改造工作,改善城市人居环境,提升城市管理水平;另一方面优化城市规划布局,提高城市土地集约利用效率,已成为我国城市化过程中正在面对和需要解决的问题。 城中村改造是一个涉及多方利益的复杂工程。目前,有关城中村的改造的政策、模式和分析的研究较多。本文从与城中村改造关系紧密的征收补偿安置标准研究入手,,对奇台县城中村改造的基本情况、政策依据和征收安置补偿标准作概括性介绍。本文在分析了奇台县城中村改造存在问题的基础上,设计出新的征收补偿安置标准。新标准的结论是体现了土地价值分享机制,并且参考城市基准低价和地块区位价格,严格按照土地使用权拍卖的程序,向土地交易市场发布地块综合信息,通过竞拍确定宗地价格,科学的计算出地块补偿标准。总之,该标准是将征收补偿安置工作与解决被征收村民社会保障问题有机结合,适当提高了补偿标准。最后本文以奇台县城中村改造村(八家户七村)作为案例进行详细的分析和新标准的计算应用。文章最后就解决新疆奇台县城中村改造工作存在的问题,推进奇台县城中村改造工作给出了若干建议。 研究主要结论及建议有: (1)通过对奇台县城中村改造现状分析,发现奇台县城中村改造工作存在的问题。城中村改造中土地与房屋工作征收程序欠规范;被征收村民房地产价值评估方法有失公允;房屋征收部门城中村改造安置工作不到位;被征收村民社会保障制度不完善。 (2)政府发挥城中村改造核心作用,主导城中村改造工作利益分配机制。政府在城中村改造过程中,一方面本着“让利于民”的原则,妥善做好被征收村民补偿安置工作;一方面通过制定合理政策提高开发商积极参与城中村改造的积极性。 (3)完善立法,规范城中村改造行为。避免出现以“公共利益”为名而从事商业开发的征迁模式,同时需尽快制定与商业开发相关的房地产征迁补偿条例。 (4)建立法律援助体系,保障被征收村民合法权益。
[Abstract]:Under the background of the acceleration of urbanization and the special structure of urban and rural areas, the phenomenon of "villages in cities" surrounding the countryside appears. The village in the city plays a positive role in promoting the development of the city, but also brings many negative problems, such as the poor living environment, the high density of buildings, the lack of scientific planning and so on. As a result, on the one hand, how to gradually promote the transformation of villages in cities, improve the living environment of cities and improve the level of urban management; on the other hand, optimize the layout of urban planning and improve the efficiency of intensive use of urban land. Has become our country urbanization process is facing and needs to solve the problem. The transformation of village in city is a complex project involving various interests. At present, the policy, model and analysis of the transformation of villages in the city are studied more. This paper starts with the research on the standard of expropriation compensation and resettlement, which is closely related to the reconstruction of villages in cities, and makes a general introduction of the basic situation, the policy basis and the standard of compensation for expropriation and placement of villages in Qitai County. Based on the analysis of the existing problems in the reconstruction of villages in Qitai County, a new standard of expropriation and compensation is designed in this paper. The conclusion of the new standard is that it embodies the mechanism of land value sharing, and with reference to the urban benchmark low price and the land location price, strictly according to the procedures of land use right auction, it releases the comprehensive land information to the land trading market. Through bidding to determine the land price, scientific calculation of land compensation standard. In a word, the standard combines the expropriation compensation and resettlement work with solving the social security problem of the expropriated villagers, and raises the compensation standard appropriately. Finally, this paper takes Qitai County as a case study to analyze and apply the new standard. Finally, some suggestions are put forward to solve the problems existing in the reconstruction of urban villages in Qitai County, Xinjiang, and to promote the transformation of villages in cities in Qitai County. The main findings and recommendations of the study are: 1) by analyzing the present situation of urban village reconstruction in Qitai County, we find out the problems existing in the reconstruction work of town village in Qitai County. In the reconstruction of villages in cities, the procedures for expropriation of land and houses are not standardized; the evaluation method of the real estate value of the expropriated villagers is unfair; the reconstruction and resettlement of the villages in cities in the housing collection department is not in place; the social security system of the expropriated villagers is not perfect. The government exerts the central role of the urban village reconstruction and dominates the distribution mechanism of the urban village reconstruction benefits. In the process of rebuilding villages in cities, the government, on the one hand, on the basis of the principle of "giving way to the interests of the people", properly completes the compensation and resettlement work of the expropriated villagers; on the other hand, it raises the enthusiasm of developers to actively participate in the transformation of villages in cities by formulating reasonable policies. Improve legislation and standardize the transformation of villages in cities. To avoid the "public interest" in the name of commercial development in the name of the mode of expropriation and relocation, as soon as possible to formulate the commercial development related to the compensation of real estate expropriation and relocation regulations. Establish a legal aid system to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the expropriated villagers.


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