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发布时间:2018-04-23 13:34

  本文选题:投机性需求 + 房地产形势 ; 参考:《中国统计》2015年08期

[Abstract]:On April 30, the meeting of the political Bureau of the Central Committee proposed that the market environment should be perfected, the stock assets should be revitalized, and the long-term mechanism for the healthy development of real estate should be established. This requires the basic balance of real estate supply and demand, the structure of the basic docking, the overall stability of prices, residential and investment functions at the same time. In order to achieve the above goal, the real estate quantity, structure and price statistics should be timely and accurate. The total amount is divided into the total supply and the total demand, and the supply is divided into the stock and the increment (including the area and the cover number), the demand is divided into the investment speculative demand and the basic domestic demand;
【作者单位】: 中国民生银行;


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