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发布时间:2018-04-24 21:37

  本文选题:房地产集团 + 资金集中管理中心 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:面对经济全球化和竞争国际化,企业集团化成为必然趋势,在房地产行业中,通过兼并、收购、重组等资本运行方式组建企业集团的行为不断增多。今天中国房地产已成为中国经济的支柱产业,2012年,中国有125家沪深上市房地产公司和35家大陆在港上市房地产公司。而房地产行业属于资金密集型行业,从批租、开发到销售都占用大量资金,因此,,房地产企业的资金链管理关系着整个房地产企业能否正常运转。而目前随着我国房地产企业的不断发展壮大,我国房地产企业集团在资金管理方面也暴露出种种问题,如资金来源渠道单一;多元化融资渠道建立难度较大,资金回款周期长,过于依赖促销力度及市场推广;资金管控模式不完备,不能有效做好资金计划、使用及控制,集团内部资源配置上的重复、浪费造成财务成本居高不下,资金管理方式、手段落后导致资金使用效率低下,资金预算管理“虚”、结算管理“散”、监督考核环节“弱”等问题仍然突出。对房地产集团资金的管理是房地产内部风险控制最为重要的环节。为了实现房地产集团的良性循环发展,制定并实施有效的资金管理方案就成为迫切的问题,也是形成房地产集团核心竞争力的重要途径。 本文分为五个部分论述:第一部分引言将介绍房地产企业集团资金管理研究的背景与意义,结合国内外相关文献,陈述本文的研究内容,方法及研究思路;第二部分首先介绍资金管理的相关理论,接着介绍企业集团的资金管理理论,其中重点阐述了企业集团资金管理的五种模式并作出比较,指出现金池模式为企业集团资金管理的趋势,在此基础上引出房地产企业集团的资金管理特点、现状及存在问题;第三部分对WH房地产企业集团做实证分析,首先介绍了WH房地产企业集团的财务情况和资金管理情况,其次指出了WH房地产企业集团资金管理存在问题;第四部分找出改善WH房地产企业集团资金管理的对策,包括WH房地产企业集团资金管理的目标与原则、WH房地产企业集团资金管理中现金池模式的引入与优化、WH房地产企业集团资金管理的风险控制;第五部分是本文的结论部分,在这章里指出本文的创新与不足。现如今,随着社会经济体制的发展,房地产信托以及房地产基金等新的筹资方式已经开始流传于市面之上,科学合理的运用企业中不同的筹资方式对企业有着至关重要的作用。
[Abstract]:Facing the globalization of economy and the internationalization of competition, the collectivization of enterprises becomes an inevitable trend. In the real estate industry, the behavior of establishing enterprise groups through capital operation such as merger, acquisition, reorganization has been increasing. Today, Chinese real estate has become the mainstay of the Chinese economy, with 125 Shanghai-Shenzhen listed real estate companies and 35 mainland listed real estate companies listed in Hong Kong in 2012. The real estate industry is a capital-intensive industry, which occupies a lot of capital from lease, development and sales. Therefore, the capital chain management of real estate enterprises is related to the normal operation of the whole real estate enterprises. At present, with the development of real estate enterprises in our country, the capital management of real estate enterprise groups in our country has also exposed various problems, such as the single source of funds, the difficulty of establishing diversified financing channels, and the long period of capital refunds. Too dependent on promotion and market promotion; the capital control model is not complete, can not effectively do the capital planning, use and control, the duplication of resources allocation within the group, waste caused by high financial costs, capital management, Backward means lead to inefficient use of funds, fund budget management "empty", settlement management "scattered", supervision and assessment links "weak" problems are still prominent. The management of real estate group funds is the most important link in real estate risk control. In order to realize the development of real estate group, it is an urgent problem to formulate and implement effective fund management scheme, and it is also an important way to form the core competitiveness of real estate group. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part of the introduction will introduce the background and significance of the real estate enterprise group fund management research, combined with the relevant literature at home and abroad, describes the research content, methods and research ideas; The second part first introduces the related theories of capital management, and then introduces the capital management theory of enterprise groups, which focuses on the five models of enterprise group capital management and makes a comparison. The paper points out that the cash pool mode is the trend of capital management of enterprise groups, and on this basis leads to the characteristics, present situation and existing problems of capital management of real estate enterprise groups. The third part makes an empirical analysis of WH real estate enterprise groups. Firstly, the paper introduces the financial situation and fund management of WH real estate enterprise group, then points out the problems existing in the fund management of WH real estate enterprise group, the fourth part finds out the countermeasures to improve the fund management of WH real estate enterprise group. Including the objectives and principles of WH real estate enterprise group fund management, the introduction and optimization of cash pool mode in WH real estate enterprise group fund management, and the risk control of WH real estate enterprise group fund management. The fifth part is the conclusion of this paper. In this chapter, the author points out the innovation and deficiency of this paper. Nowadays, with the development of social and economic system, real estate trust and real estate fund and other new financing methods have begun to spread on the market, scientific and reasonable use of different financing methods in enterprises have a vital role.


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