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发布时间:2018-04-25 07:32

  本文选题:购物中心 + 动线设计 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在过去的改革开放20年间,中国房地产的走势,已经逐步由住宅地产的开发转向商业地产开发的阶段。由于国家宏观调控对房地产发展影响很大,住宅地产在限购,限贷等一系列政策的约束下,回报率降低,盈利空间大大缩减。与此同时,商业地产由于外部政策空间较为宽松,以及长期的变现能力而显示出前所未有的发展机遇。其中,购物中心作为商业地产中的重要物业类型,总是能够吸引足够的眼球。 另外一方面,购物中心这种庞大的商业业态集合体诞生于美国,发展于美国,繁荣于美国,传入国内的时间较短。相对来说,国内建筑设计界、金融界以及政府部门对其了解还处于摸索阶段,相关的权威书籍较少,因此给了本论文较大的发挥空间。虽然购物中心从属于商业地产的一部分,然而,由于不同地区丰富的地缘文化和多变的商业消费习惯,使得购物中心的设计没有绝对的固定模式。这一切对于建筑师来说,极具挑战。 在中国购物中心的发展中,经历了从早期的单店单层单业态的模式到现在一站式购物多种业态商业综合体模式。经历了从“百货繁荣模式”到现在“去百货化”以体验娱乐为主流的模式。中国购物中心的发展已经和中国经济的提速紧密联系在一起,这种发展进一步映射出中国民众在消费观念上的革新,,在生活物质上的富足。 在购物中心的设计中,重中之重就在于动线设计。动线带来人流,动线决定了商业的布局,动线创造了后勤物流的条件。因此,通过不同案例的分析,来总结规律,发现动线设计的本质要求,是本论文的写作目的。动线设计和业态布局的结合,很大程度上决定了购物中心内,人流走向、租金的分布以及未来购物中心的资产升值潜力,很有研究价值。 本文尝试通过对大型购物中心业态组合、商业流线、设计方法的研究,结合商业案例,浅谈大型购物中心人性化设计的探索。
[Abstract]:In the past 20 years of reform and opening up, the trend of real estate in China has gradually shifted from the development of residential real estate to the stage of commercial real estate development. Because the national macro-control has a great influence on the development of real estate, under the restriction of a series of policies, such as limited purchase and loan, the rate of return is reduced, and the profit space is greatly reduced. At the same time, commercial real estate shows unprecedented development opportunities because of loose external policy space and long-term liquidity. Shopping malls, as an important property type in commercial real estate, always attract enough attention. On the other hand, the shopping center, such a huge business cluster, was born in the United States, developed in the United States, prosperity in the United States, the introduction of a relatively short period of time. Relatively speaking, the domestic architectural design industry, financial circles and government departments are still in the exploratory stage of their understanding, the relevant authoritative books are relatively few, so this paper gives more space to play. Although the shopping center belongs to a part of commercial real estate, however, due to the rich geographical culture and changing commercial consumption habits in different regions, there is no absolute fixed mode for the design of shopping center. All this is a great challenge for the architect. In the development of shopping centers in China, it has experienced from the early single-store single-layer business model to the one-stop shopping multi-business complex model. Experienced from the "Department Store Prosperity Mode" to now "De-Department Store" to experience entertainment as the mainstream model. The development of shopping malls in China has been closely linked to the speed up of the Chinese economy, which further reflects the innovation of Chinese people's consumption concept and the material affluence of life. In the design of shopping center, the most important thing is to design line. Mobile line brings people, mobile line determines the layout of business, mobile line creates logistics conditions. Therefore, it is the purpose of this paper to summarize the rules and find out the essential requirements of moving-line design through the analysis of different cases. The combination of line design and business layout, to a large extent, determines the trend of shopping center, the distribution of rent and the potential of asset appreciation in the future shopping center. This paper tries to discuss the humanized design of large-scale shopping center by studying the combination of business pattern, commercial streamline and design method, and combining with the business case.


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