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发布时间:2018-04-26 14:05

  本文选题:地产公司 + 经营者激励模式 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:河南A地产公司成立于2001年,是一家集房地产开发与销售,建筑工程施工总承包,消防工程施工,建筑工程监理,工程项目管理,矿业投资,股权投资等多领域为一体的多元化集团型公司。随着公司的快速发展和房地产行业内外部环境的变化,河南A地产公司在经营者激励机制上暴露出了很多的问题:公司治理结构不完善,公司经营者和所有者信息不对称,旧有的经营者激励机制无法保留和吸引优秀的经营者等等,这些方面的问题严重制约着河南A地产公司的长远发展。因此,如何有效地对经营者进行激励是河南A地产公司亟待解决的问题。 本文以公司治理为理论依据,借鉴了国内外成功的经营者激励模式和实践,系统地研究了河南A地产公司经营者激励方案与实施策略。首先,通过对国内知名房地产公司经营者激励模式进行对比研究,指出河南A地产公司经营者激励中出现的各种问题,并探讨了产生这些问题的原因。接着,利用常用的经营者激励模式,根据激励影响因素的分析,确定适合河南A地产公司的激励方案的原则和思路,建立了基于EVA的年薪制、虚拟股权激励和福利等其他激励方式的综合激励框架。进而,提出了基于EVA的年薪制薪酬激励方案和相应的绩效考核方法,设计了中高层管理者持股模式和股权激励实施方案。最后,提出了实现新旧激励机制之间的转换以及降低新方案实施成本等河南A地产公司激励方案的实施策略。 本文的研究特色与创新之处表现在:①通过国内知名房地产公司经营者激励模式对比研究,揭示了河南A地产公司经营者激励问题及其成因;②构建基于EVA的经营者年薪制薪酬激励方案和中高层管理者股权激励方案;③提出了河南A地产公司激励方案的实施策略。 本文的研究不仅为河南A地产公司提供了经营者激励模式及实施策略,同时为其他中小企业的经营者激励模式提供了参考方案。
[Abstract]:Henan A Real Estate Company was founded in 2001, is a collection of real estate development and sales, construction construction contracting, fire engineering construction, construction engineering supervision, project management, mining investment, Equity investment and other areas as one of the diversified group companies. With the rapid development of the company and the change of the internal and external environment of the real estate industry, Henan A Real Estate Company has exposed a lot of problems in the incentive mechanism of the managers: the imperfect corporate governance structure, the asymmetric information between the managers and the owners. The old incentive mechanism of managers can not retain and attract excellent operators, and so on, these problems seriously restrict the long-term development of Henan A real estate company. Therefore, how to effectively motivate the operators is the urgent problem of Henan A real estate company. Based on the theory of corporate governance, this paper systematically studies the incentive scheme and implementation strategy of Henan A real estate company by referring to the successful incentive mode and practice of managers at home and abroad. First of all, through the comparative study on the incentive mode of managers of well-known real estate companies in China, this paper points out the various problems in the incentive of managers of Henan A real estate companies, and probes into the causes of these problems. Then, according to the analysis of incentive factors, the principle and train of thought of incentive scheme suitable for Henan A real estate company are determined, and the annual salary system based on EVA is established. Virtual equity incentive and other incentives such as welfare comprehensive incentive framework. Then, the paper puts forward the annual salary incentive scheme based on EVA and the corresponding performance appraisal method, and designs the stock holding mode and the equity incentive implementation plan of the middle and senior management. Finally, the paper puts forward the implementation strategies of Henan A real estate company's incentive scheme, such as realizing the conversion between the old and the new incentive mechanism and reducing the cost of implementing the new scheme. The research features and innovations of this paper are as follows: 1. Through the comparative study of the incentive modes of the managers of well-known real estate companies in China, the paper reveals the incentive problems of the managers of Henan A real estate companies and their causes. (2) to construct the annual salary incentive scheme for managers based on EVA and the equity incentive scheme for middle and senior managers. 3. The implementation strategy of incentive scheme for Henan A real estate company is put forward. The research in this paper not only provides the manager incentive mode and implementation strategy for Henan A real estate company, but also provides the reference scheme for other small and medium-sized enterprises.


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