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发布时间:2018-04-29 16:59

  本文选题:市场法 + 收益法 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前,我国主要运用市场法、收益法以及成本法进行房地产评估,这是最常见的三种评估方法,三种方法适用于不同的条件,有不同的理论支持,并且由于关注点不同,评估结果存在一定程度的差异。 尽管市场法、收益法和成本法是房地产评估市场应用最广泛的三种方法,可是在实际评估过程中,,这三种方法存在一些不足,存在遗漏或模糊的方面,这不利于提升房地产评估准确度。本文立足于房地产评估市场中的市场法、收益法和成本法,与实际案例相结合,系统而全面地分析了三种方法的应用过程。另外,针对评估方法中的影响因素,结合德尔菲法,阐述了根据不同的权重来测算个别因素与区域因素的因子;对房地产泡沫市场下市场法评估值的修正;对收益法中公式的应用进行了分析与选用,并初步提出收益分成的设想;分析了成本法中的投资利息率和利润率,认为评估自建房地产项目所使用的资金利润率应不同于适用于开发商建筑的房地产的利润率,计算投资利息时应将自有资金与贷款资金分开,分别计算。通过本文对一些突出的评估问题进行剖析,并提出解决的方法。使所得出的评估值更趋于合理、科学,从而全方位维护相关经济人的权益。
[Abstract]:At present, our country mainly uses the market method, the income method and the cost method to carry on the real estate appraisal, this is the most common three appraisal methods, three kinds of methods are suitable for the different conditions, has the different theory support, and because of the attention point is different, There are some differences in the evaluation results. Although the market approach, income approach and cost method are the three most widely used methods in the real estate evaluation market, there are some shortcomings, omissions or ambiguities in the actual evaluation process. This is not conducive to improving the accuracy of real estate evaluation. Based on the market method, income method and cost method in the real estate evaluation market, this paper systematically and comprehensively analyzes the application process of the three methods with practical cases. In addition, according to the influential factors in the evaluation method, combined with Delphi method, this paper expounds the factors that calculate individual factors and regional factors according to different weights, and the correction of the evaluation value of the market method under the real estate bubble market. This paper analyzes and selects the application of the formula in the income method, and puts forward the tentative idea of the income share, analyzes the investment interest rate and the profit rate in the cost method. It is considered that the profit margin of the funds used to evaluate the self-built real estate projects should be different from the profit margin of the real estate which is suitable for the developers' construction, and the investment interest should be calculated separately from the loan funds. In this paper, some outstanding evaluation problems are analyzed, and the solutions are put forward. To make the evaluation value more reasonable and scientific, so as to safeguard the rights and interests of relevant economic people.


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