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发布时间:2018-04-29 19:39

  本文选题:食品企业 + 品牌资产 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济的进一步发展和对外开放程度的不断加深,企业间白炽化的竞争使越来越多的企业经营管理者认识到品牌的重要性。近年来,国内对品牌的研究如火如荼,树立品牌意识、建设品牌经济的口号此起彼伏。对品牌的研究,归根到底是要研究品牌资产的价值,只有品牌具有一定的资产价值,这样的研究才算有意义,而拥有这种高附加值的品牌资产才能真正为企业带来经济效益和社会效益,这也是品牌资产成为近二十年营销领域最受关注的热点课题之一的主要原因。 对于品牌资产的概念,理论界还没有确切的定义。目前对品牌资产概念的研究主要是从企业的角度和消费者的角度进行的。就笔者看来,品牌价值的大小主要来自于顾客的认可程度,品牌资产的价值也应该从消费者的角度去衡量,因此本文对品牌资产的研究是主要基于消费者的角度进行的。从消费者的视角来研究品牌资产,既可以揭示隐藏在品牌资产经济价值后的本质驱动因素,又可以测量品牌资产的强度及其强度的变化,对企业营销活动更具指导意义。同时,能够得到消费者认可的品牌资产的价值也一定能在财务上有所体现,,为企业带来一定的经济效益,所以从本质上来说两者并不矛盾。 对品牌资产的研究主要体现在对品牌资产评估模型的研究,品牌资产驱动因子的研究等方面。但由于品牌资产的无形性特征,不同的行业、不同的市场特征对品牌资产的需求也不相同,因此,把品牌资产的概念和应用引入到不同的行业更具实践意义。目前,已有学者把品牌资产引入到工业品行业、农产品行业、快速消费品行业、房地产行业等领域,并进行了实证研究,取得了一定的理论成果。 本文试图把品牌资产应用于食品行业。近年来,我国的食品安全问题逐渐引起了社会各界的强烈关注。食品安全问题层出不穷,自“三聚氰胺”事件后,“染色馒头”、“毒豆芽”、“瘦肉精”、“地沟油”、“皮革奶”等不间断地出现在我们的生活中,触目惊心的内幕让我们不寒而栗。食品行业已经到了不得不整顿的地步,食品企业已经到了品牌建设的紧急关头,没有良好的品牌,食品企业很难得到消费者的认可,即便有了一定的品牌知名度,一旦食品出现了严重的质量问题,多年苦心经营的品牌价值瞬间失去也不是没有可能。因此,食品企业的品牌资产建设更为不易。 为此,本文对食品企业品牌资产价值的主要影响因素进行了分析,并探求如何增加食品企业的品牌资产价值。 文章的第一部分是理论介绍,包括第一章的绪论和第二章的文献综述。绪论部分主要介绍了文章的研究背景和意义,以及文章总体研究思路和所用的研究方法;第二章文献综述部分首先介绍了品牌资产的相关理论,接着介绍了品牌资产的驱动因素研究和品牌资产的增值现状研究。 第二部分包括第三章和第四章。第三章着重介绍了食品企业品牌资产相关影响因素的理论依据,构造出全文的理论基础。第四章以蒙牛乳业集团品牌资产为例进行了实证研究。 第三部分是第五章,主要寻求提升食品企业品牌资产价值的措施,首先研究食品企业品牌资产管理中现存的问题,然后提出建议。
[Abstract]:With the further development of our economy and the deepening of the opening to the outside world , the competition of the incandescent competition among enterprises makes the more and more enterprise managers realize the importance of the brand . In recent years , the research on the brand has become more and more important . In recent years , the research on the brand is of great significance . Only the brand has certain asset value , so the brand assets with such high added value can truly bring economic benefits and social benefits to the enterprise . This is also the main reason for the brand assets to become one of the most important subjects in the marketing field in the last two decades .

The research on brand assets is mainly based on the customer ' s degree of recognition and the value of brand assets should be measured from the point of view of consumers .

The research on brand assets is mainly embodied in the research of brand asset appraisal model and the research of brand asset driving factors . However , because of the intangible characteristics of brand assets , different industries and different market characteristics are different to brand assets , it is more practical to introduce the concept and application of brand assets into different industries . At present , some scholars have introduced brand assets into the fields of industry , agricultural industry , fast consumer goods industry , real estate industry and so on .

In recent years , China ' s food safety problem has gradually aroused strong attention from all walks of life . In recent years , China ' s food safety problem has gradually aroused strong attention from all walks of life . The food industry has reached the point that the food industry has been forced to rectify . The food industry has reached the point of the brand construction , and the brand value of the food enterprise is not impossible once the food industry has reached the point of serious quality . Therefore , the brand asset construction of the food enterprise is more difficult .

Therefore , this paper analyzes the main influencing factors of the value of the brand assets of the food enterprises , and probes into how to increase the brand value of the brand assets of the food enterprises .

The first part of the article is the introduction of the theory , including the introduction of chapter 1 and the literature review of chapter 2 . The introduction part mainly introduces the research background and significance of the article , as well as the general research thinking and the research method used .
The second chapter introduces the relevant theories of brand assets , and then introduces the driving factors of brand assets and the research on the value - added status of brand assets .

The second part includes chapter three and chapter four . The third chapter focuses on the theoretical basis of influencing factors of brand assets of food enterprises , and constructs the theoretical foundation of the whole text . Chapter four makes an empirical study on the brand assets of Mengniu Dairy Group .

The third part is the fifth chapter , which mainly seeks to improve the value of brand assets of food enterprises . First , the existing problems in the management of brand assets of food enterprises are studied , and suggestions are put forward .



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