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发布时间:2018-04-30 12:28

  本文选题:行政公正 + 行政监督 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:2000年以后,伴随着我国房地产市场的活跃,房价出现了大幅度增长,昂贵的房价成为我国公民不能承受之重,为保障公民的基本居住条件,中央各部门相继出台了一系列措施与政策,包括推行经济适用房、廉租房等制度,其中,最具代表性的就是公租房建设项目。公租房制度的实施,进一步完善了我国住房保障体系,为更多买不起商品房,但又不够其他保障性住房条件的公民,提供了最基本的住房保障,是对我国住房保障体系的有力补充和完善。 公租房从建设到最终分配都烙下了深深的行政行为的印记。作为公租房建设项目的终端环节——分配,承载着国家相关部门及广大居民的希望,分配结果的公正与否,直接关系着公租房项目所力求的积极的社会效益能否实现,关系着作为一种公共产品,公租房能否实现其福利性与保障性,甚至可以说,,公租房分配环节的质量,直接影响着公租房整体项目、制度的建设与实施,影响着作为商品房市场的一种调控手段,能否发挥其应有的作用。 本文将从行政法学角度,分析公租房分配相关问题。为更好的分析公租房,这一特殊背景下的社会存在,本文首先从经济学角度为公租房进行了简单的性质分析,并结合我国现状,对比经济适用房等保障性住房,分析公租房的基本特性,公租房分类等。在此基础上,进一步分析公租房分配行为性质,将公租房分配行为纳入到行政行为范畴,从具体行政行为,行政福利等角度探讨公租房分配行为。文章第三部分,结合我国公租房建设的基本现状,运用行政公正理论从行政监督、行政制约等方面探讨如何实现公租房分配公正,使公租房真正发挥其积极的社会效应。
[Abstract]:After 2000, with the active of the real estate market in our country, the house price has increased by a large margin, and the expensive house price has become a heavy burden that our citizens can't bear, in order to ensure the basic living conditions of the citizens. Central government departments have issued a series of measures and policies, including the implementation of comfortable housing, low-rent housing and other systems, the most representative of which is the construction of public rental housing projects. The implementation of the public rental housing system has further improved the housing security system in China, providing the most basic housing security for more citizens who cannot afford commercial housing but do not have enough other affordable housing conditions. Is to our country housing security system has the power to supplement and consummate. Public rental housing from the construction to the final distribution has branded a deep administrative behavior. As the terminal link of the public rental housing construction project-distribution, bearing the hope of the relevant departments of the country and the vast number of residents, whether the distribution result is fair or not is directly related to whether the positive social benefits of the public rental housing project can be realized or not. As a kind of public goods, public rental housing can realize its welfare and security, even can say, the quality of public rental housing allocation link, directly affect the whole project of public rental housing, the construction and implementation of the system. It affects whether the commercial housing market can play its due role as a means of regulation and control. From the angle of administrative law, this paper will analyze the problems related to the allocation of public rental housing. In order to better analyze the public rental housing, the social existence under this special background, this article first carries on the simple nature analysis from the economic angle for the public rental housing, and unifies our country present situation, contrasts comfortable housing and so on indemnificatory housing. Analysis of the basic characteristics of public rental housing, public rental housing classification and so on. On this basis, this paper further analyzes the nature of public rental housing allocation behavior, brings the public rental housing allocation behavior into the category of administrative behavior, and discusses the public rental housing distribution behavior from the specific administrative behavior, administrative welfare and other aspects. The third part of the article, combined with the basic situation of the construction of public rental housing in China, using the theory of administrative justice from the administrative supervision, administrative constraints and other aspects to explore how to achieve public rental housing distribution justice, so that public rental housing can really play its positive social effects.


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