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发布时间:2018-05-01 01:03

  本文选题:房地产项目 + 投资风险 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of our country's economy and society, the rapid development of our real estate market in recent years has gradually become the pillar industry of our economy. In the new central government work planning, urbanization is the most important way to promote the development of our country for a period of time, and the real estate is the most direct way to realize urbanization, so in the future, real estate will continue to develop. Real estate investment is a systematic project. Any problem in any link will lead to the failure of the whole project. The failure of the real estate project can be found everywhere in our country. Therefore, under the background of urbanization, it is very necessary to study the real estate project investment analysis management, through the real estate project analysis, summarizes how to control all kinds of risks, prevent the real estate investment failure to our country economy harm. In this paper, Qingdao Vanke Town (Phase II) as the research object, the project land, project positioning, financial support, project location, project construction and other aspects of risk research, This paper makes a scientific judgment on the risks existing in various stages of real estate investment, probes into how to solve these risks according to the experience of other projects, and summarizes the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. Through the research of this paper, it provides a basis for real estate companies to judge, to help enterprises improve their risk awareness of investment, and to prevent the phenomenon of bad ending of the project. Strengthening the awareness of risk in investment is the basis for ensuring the development of real estate enterprises, and is conducive to improving the level of investment management of enterprises, doing a good job of handling special cases, and enhancing the ability of enterprises to resist risks. In order to promote the sustainable development of China's real estate market, make contributions to the urbanization of our country, and give play to the impact of real estate on our national economy, social benefits and so on. The research of this paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the research significance of this topic, the domestic and foreign research status, the research methods of the paper, the innovation of the paper, and so on. Through the explanation of the first chapter, we can understand the research direction and main contents of this paper. The second chapter is the research on the theoretical basis of this research, including project management theory, real estate project risk management theory, project investment risk research methods, through the second chapter of the study. Lay a theoretical foundation for the subsequent research. The third chapter is the object of this research, Qingdao Vanke Town (Phase II) project overview, including construction land, funds, location of people and so on. Through the third chapter of the study, for the subsequent project risk research to provide data. The fourth chapter makes a general analysis of the factors that may affect the investment risk, including construction land risk, capital risk, sales risk and so on. Then the risk of Qingdao Vanke Town (Phase II) project is diagnosed by sensitivity analysis method. The fifth is according to the fourth chapter of the various risks, in this chapter put forward solutions to these risks, so that Vanke Group can effectively avoid the existing risks.


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