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发布时间:2018-05-01 01:35

  本文选题:建工集团 + 企业战略 ; 参考:《中南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:辉煌建工集团是一家是以建筑施工、房地产开发、矿业经营为主业的大型企业集团。作为湖南建工市场的大型企业,辉煌集团一直保持着稳健发展趋势。但近年来在竞争主体多元化格局下集团稳定和提高市场份额的难度进一步加大,随着工业建筑市场萎缩,民用建筑市场迅猛发展,湖南建筑行业市场经营格局已发生了显著变化,同时未来建筑企业供大于求的局面更趋常态化,市场竞争日益残酷,这都将给辉煌集团巩固自身优势和提高市场份额带来严峻挑战。 基于此,本文首先论述了课题研究主体辉煌建工集团目前所处的背景环境,本课题研究对于辉煌集团自身意义所在,采用案例、对比分析等方法对辉煌集团进行研究;然后又论述了本文写作的理论基础即企业战略管理理论的发展过程进行了综述,总结了当前跨国建筑企业实行的诸多战略,为下文辉煌集团的战略研究提供了对比模板;本文再通过对辉煌建工集团外部环境、内部资源和核心竞争力进行分析,制定了发展战略规划;为实现未来三年辉煌建工集团“巩固持续高效发展,保持较高市场占有率”的战略目标,明确了“坚持一个指导思想、实现两大突破、深化三大调整、取得四项提升”四大战略重点;最后,为保障发展战略的顺利执行,本文从管理体制、资源配置、财务管理、风险防范四个方面提出了保障措施。
[Abstract]:Brilliant Construction Group is a large-scale enterprise group with construction, real estate development and mining operation as its main business. Hunan construction market as a large-scale enterprises, brilliant group has been maintaining a steady development trend. However, in recent years, it is more difficult for the group to stabilize and increase the market share under the diversified pattern of competition. With the shrinking of the industrial construction market, the civil construction market is developing rapidly. The market management pattern of Hunan construction industry has changed significantly. Meanwhile, in the future, the supply of construction enterprises will exceed the demand, and the market competition will become increasingly cruel. This will give brilliant Group to consolidate its own advantages and increase market share with serious challenges. Based on this, this paper firstly discusses the background environment in which the main subject of the subject, Xianghuang Construction Engineering Group, is located. The research on the meaning of the Group itself is carried out with the methods of case study and comparative analysis. Then it discusses the theoretical basis of this paper, that is, the development process of the enterprise strategic management theory, summarizes the current multinational construction enterprises to implement a number of strategies, for the following brilliant group of strategic research provides a comparative template; Through the analysis of the external environment, internal resources and core competitiveness of the brilliant Construction and Engineering Group, this paper formulates the development strategy plan, in order to realize the sustainable and efficient development of the brilliant Construction and Engineering Group in the next three years. The strategic goal of maintaining a relatively high market share has clearly defined the four strategic priorities of "adhering to one guiding ideology, realizing two major breakthroughs, deepening the three major adjustments, and achieving four improvements." finally, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the development strategy, This paper puts forward the safeguard measures from four aspects: management system, resource allocation, financial management and risk prevention.


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