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发布时间:2018-05-01 02:26

  本文选题:耕地质量 + 耕地保护 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着城镇化的快速发展,耕地面积迅速减少,大量优质耕地被占用,后备用地开发难度大成本高,耕地质量逐渐下降,造成粮食供给压力增加。本文以郴州市耕地质量为研究对象,在郴州市城镇化发展的基础上,采用社会调查法和数据统计法如回归分析、数据对比等方法,对影响郴州市耕地质量因素进行了分析,并且通过人地关系、耕地利用投入水平、耕地利用效果及投资潜力这三个要素建立了郴州市耕地质量评价指标体系,通过郴州市耕地质量综合指标与园林绿地面积、农林牧渔产值增长率、房地产发展等方面的关系进行初步研究。随后通过问卷调查得到目前郴州市耕地保护现状,及农民的耕地保护意识水平。研究结果可反应郴州市耕地质量现状以及导致耕地质量下降的原因,可以为高层制定政策提供一定依据。主要研究结果如下:(1)通过对郴州市1995-2012年的经济、人口数量、粮食产量、耕地面积、农业发展等方面建立了郴州市耕地质量综述指标体系。其后得出综合指标值与园林绿地面积、农林牧渔产值增长率有较好的一致性。(2)在郴州市城镇化发展基础上,对郴州市耕地质量保护压力进行分析。得出房地产的发展,第一产业人口下降、人口增加等因素给耕地质量保护带来的巨大压力。大量优质耕地被占用,后备用地质量低下难度大成本高,同时由于人们的耕地保护意识较差、环境恶化造成耕地质量严重下降。(3)针对郴州市耕地质量保护存在问题,在国内外耕地质量提升研究的基础上,找出郴州市耕地质量提升的可能性,结合郴州市的具体情况,提出完善相关法律法规政策;执行适度城市化政策;变革郴州市农业生产方式; 加强郴州市建设用地的集约利用;树立集约用地的土地利用意识; 强化农民耕地保护意识; 继续大力推进郴州市土地复垦等六个方面的建议。我国的城镇化建设进程正处于加速发展的阶段,而目前对城镇化进程中耕地资源保护的问题的理论研究远远落后于实践,往往容易被忽略,因此,本文正是在城镇化建设的背景之下,以郴州市为例,采用新的研究视角,力图于解决在城镇化建设背景下的耕地质量保护,是笔者在耕地质量保护领域的一个创新。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization, the area of cultivated land is rapidly reduced, a large number of high-quality cultivated land is occupied, the development of reserve land is difficult, the quality of cultivated land is gradually declining, resulting in increased pressure of grain supply. Based on the development of urbanization in Chenzhou City, this paper analyzes the factors influencing the quality of cultivated land in Chenzhou City by using the methods of social investigation and data statistics, such as regression analysis and data comparison. The evaluation index system of cultivated land quality in Chenzhou is established through the three factors such as the relationship between man and land, the input level of cultivated land utilization, the effect of cultivated land use and the investment potential, and the comprehensive index of cultivated land quality and the area of garden green space in Chenzhou. Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery output growth, real estate development and other aspects of the relationship between the preliminary study. The present situation of cultivated land protection in Chenzhou and the level of farmers' awareness of cultivated land protection were obtained by questionnaire survey. The results can reflect the present situation of cultivated land quality in Chenzhou and the reasons that lead to the decline of cultivated land quality. The main results are as follows: (1) A summary index system of cultivated land quality in Chenzhou was established by analyzing the economy, population, grain yield, cultivated land area and agricultural development of Chenzhou City from 1995 to 2012. Then it is concluded that the comprehensive index value is consistent with the garden green space area, and the output value of agriculture, forestry, pastoral and fishery has a good consistency.) on the basis of the urbanization development of Chenzhou City, the pressure of cultivated land quality protection in Chenzhou City is analyzed. It is concluded that the development of real estate, the decline of population in primary industry and the increase of population bring great pressure to the quality protection of cultivated land. A large amount of high-quality cultivated land is occupied, the quality of reserve land is low and difficult, and the cost is high. At the same time, due to people's poor awareness of cultivated land protection and the deterioration of the environment, the quality of cultivated land is seriously reduced. (3) there are problems in the protection of cultivated land quality in Chenzhou City. On the basis of the research on the improvement of cultivated land quality at home and abroad, this paper finds out the possibility of improving cultivated land quality in Chenzhou City, and proposes to perfect the relevant laws, regulations and policies, implement the policy of moderate urbanization, and combine with the concrete situation of Chenzhou City. To reform the mode of agricultural production in Chenzhou; to strengthen the intensive use of construction land in Chenzhou; to establish the awareness of land use for intensive use; to strengthen the awareness of the protection of farmers' cultivated land; and to continue to vigorously promote land reclamation in Chenzhou. The construction process of urbanization in our country is in the stage of accelerating development, but the theoretical research on the protection of cultivated land resources in the process of urbanization is far behind practice and is often neglected. Under the background of urbanization, taking Chenzhou as an example, this paper tries to solve the problem of cultivated land quality protection under the background of urbanization by using a new research angle, which is an innovation in the field of cultivated land quality protection.


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