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发布时间:2018-05-01 05:28

  本文选题:房地产 + 营销环境分析 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:目前我国房地产业正处于一个崭新的发展阶段,行业的发展给房地产企业带来了机会,同时,行业内竞争的加剧也使得房地产企业面临巨大的挑战。在日益严峻的市场竞争环境下,更加适应市场的营销策略成为房地产开发经营成败的关键。 昊源.高格蓝湾项目是2008年开盘销售,受2008年全球经济危机的影响全国城市房地产价格明显下跌,这对本项目的销售也受到了重创。2009年国家政策放缓松绑二套房贷,楼市复苏,价格上扬,致使本项目的中、小户型房源(30——140m~2)呈现一度的热销。2010至2013年政府出台的一系列政策限制了投资、投机性购房客户,另外本项目也存在手续不完善、市场定位不准、产品策略不合理等诸多方面因素导致本项目近500套大户型(150--200m~2)一度出现滞销状态。 基于上述对营销环境和企业自身的分析,昊源.高格蓝湾项目的目标市场应该先确定为中端,后期转型中高端市场。中端、中高端房地产市场在长春的未来竞争中将最为惨烈,而且中端市场消费群体的基数比中高端市场消费群体的基数大一些的特点,项目的市场定位应该为中高档住宅社区。从营销策略上看,昊源.高格蓝湾项目应采用更有针对性的营销组合,在产品策略方面项目采用建筑大气、庄重的ArtDeco建筑风格,昊源.高格蓝湾项目在价格策略方面,采取低开高走策略,这样的价格策略为后期房源的销售提供了比较大的涨幅空间。在营销渠道方面本项目采取以直销为主、坐销为辅,外拓及充分组合各种销售渠道,主要目的是建立一种新型的行之有效的营销渠道。昊源.高格蓝湾促销策略主要包括:广告策略、人员推销策略、营业推广策略和公共关系策略。 综上所述,昊源.高格蓝湾项目要想在激烈的竞争中获得竞争优势,就必须深入地洞察消费者需求,在此基础上,确定自己的目标市场,并在此市场上树立鲜明的项目品牌形象,同时制定更加适应目标市场的营销组合策略,并不折不扣地去执行,只有这样,昊源.高格蓝湾项目才能在市场上获得顾客的青睐,,赢得顾客的信任和忠诚,项目才能获得最终的成功。
[Abstract]:At present, the real estate industry of our country is in a new stage of development, the development of the industry brings the opportunity to the real estate enterprise, at the same time, the aggravation of the competition in the industry also makes the real estate enterprise face the huge challenge. In the increasingly severe market competition environment, more suitable marketing strategy becomes the key to the success or failure of real estate development and management. Haoyuan. The Goran Bay project was sold at the start of the 2008 market, and urban real estate prices across the country fell sharply as a result of the global economic crisis in 2008, which also hit sales of the project hard. In 2009, state policy slowed down the release of second home loans and the property market recovered. The rising prices have led to a series of policies issued by the government from 2010 to 2013 that restricted investment, speculative housing purchases, and imperfect procedures for the project. Many factors, such as incorrect market positioning and unreasonable product strategy, led to the unsalable state of nearly 500 sets of large household type (150--200mm2). Based on the above analysis of the marketing environment and enterprise itself, Haoyuan. The target market of the Goran Bay project should be defined as the middle end and the mid-end market in the later stage of transformation. The middle and high end real estate market will be the fiercest in the future competition in Changchun, and the base of the middle end market consumer group is larger than that of the middle and high end market consumption group, so the market orientation of the project should be the middle and high grade residential community. From the perspective of marketing strategy, Haoyuan. The project should use a more targeted marketing mix, in terms of product strategy, the project uses the architectural atmosphere, solemn ArtDeco architectural style, Haoyuan. In terms of price strategy, the Gogran Bay Project adopts a low opening and high price strategy, which provides a relatively large increase space for housing sales in the later period. In the aspect of marketing channel, this project adopts direct selling as the main method, sitting sales as the auxiliary, expanding and fully combining all kinds of sales channels. The main purpose is to establish a new and effective marketing channel. Haoyuan. The promotion strategies include: advertising strategy, personnel marketing strategy, sales promotion strategy and public relations strategy. To sum up, Haoyuan. In order to gain a competitive advantage in the fierce competition, the project must have a deep insight into the needs of consumers, and on this basis, determine its target market, and establish a distinct brand image of the project in this market. At the same time to develop more suitable for the target market marketing mix strategy, and exactly to implement, only so, Haoyuan. In order to win customers' favor, win customer's trust and loyalty in the market, the project can get the final success.


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5 王思然;;当前房地产市场营销对策分析[J];现代商贸工业;2009年21期




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