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发布时间:2018-05-03 14:05

  本文选题:组织变革能力 + 变革型领导力 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:"change" is the trend of contemporary Chinese social development, especially the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in China, in the constantly changing social environment, change is not only the need of development, but also the inevitable choice of survival. Against the backdrop of the overall recession in the industry, ZJ Real Estate Company has also encountered unprecedented challenges. The slump in the sales market has already made the development of enterprises difficult, and the targeted financial policies of various banks have even taken root. As a result, the company's daily operations have been greatly affected. In such a market background ZJ real estate company in 2012 after the general manager turnover, in April 2013 began a large-scale organizational change, a year and a half, how effective organizational change? What are the problems with change? Does the transformed organization still have a healthy body? These are the problems studied in this paper. In order to accurately judge the effect of organizational change in ZJ Company, 65 employees in 7 departments were investigated by means of interviews and questionnaires, and some of the employees were interviewed. The study found that the operating status of ZJ real estate company after 18 months of organizational change was less optimistic than before: employees' loyalty to the enterprise decreased and job burnout increased. There are obvious doubts about organizational delegation and leadership. What is the reason for the "failure" of organizational change phases? To answer this question, this study introduced the "organizational change capability" (Occc) multi-dimensional evaluation tool provided by Judge Douglas 2009, and analyzed the problem from the perspective of competence. The scale consists of eight dimensions, namely: trusted leadership. Trusted subordinates, capable role models, effective middle managers, innovative culture, responsible culture, effective communication and systematic thinking. Through the analysis of the survey data, we find that the indicators of three dimensions are obviously deviated. They are: trustworthy leadership, responsible culture, and effective communication. This conclusion is not entirely satisfactory. In order to further study the organizational change capability of ZJ Company, this paper also introduces "transformational leadership", "Psychological empowerment". "organizational commitment" and "job burnout" correspond to "trusted leadership", "culture of responsibility" and "effective communication" respectively. The results show that the organizational efficiency of the engineering department and the human resources department of the company is low due to the lack of the ability of organizational change, and the brittle growth of the organizational structure is obvious, so it is necessary to integrate or reorganize the two departments as soon as possible. In view of the above research results, the corresponding solutions proposed in this paper are: to adjust the organizational change model from radical to progressive; to enhance the ability of organizational change; to integrate the enterprise organizational structure through the way of management outsourcing. Finally, the future research direction of organizational change ability is prospected.


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