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发布时间:2018-05-04 19:52

  本文选题:旅游 + 企业 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:自贡卧龙湖盐卤浴旅游项目的开发建设给自贡HK文化旅游有限公司内外部环境带来了巨大的变化,,也使得公司的业务范围进一步扩大。公司经营业务的扩大直接带来的是公司实力的增强和在行业地位的提升,从而使自贡HK文化旅游有限公司原来采用的跟随母公司业务发展的“跟随战略”不能适应新的市场环境和公司进一步发展的需要。 因此,自贡HK文化旅游有限公司必须重新审视自身的发展战略,解决公司原来存在的发展方向单一和战略选择自主性不强的问题。在发展目标和经营项目的选择上,公司必须从自身在旅游资源、资金实力和企业管理方面存在的优势和劣势出发,改变过去那种以房地产为经营目标的单一发展战略,转而采取多元化的发展战略,应将建设养生休闲和现代时尚的大型国际旅游集团企业作为自己的发展目标。在战略重点上,公司的资源配置应服从充分体现公司养生休闲和现代时尚两大特色的战略需要,重点发展彩灯民俗文化旅游、盐卤浴康疗养生旅游和现代体育休闲旅游产品。在战略措施上,公司应从强化拳头产品开发营销、完善融资保障体系、加强企业员工队伍建设、培育企业文化等方面入手,保障公司的发展战略得以顺利实施。
[Abstract]:The development and construction of the salt - brine bath tourism in Wolong Lake has brought great changes to the internal and external environment of the Hong Kong Cultural Tourism Co . , Ltd . , and the business scope of the company is further expanded . The expansion of the company ' s business operation directly brings the strengthening of the company ' s strength and the promotion of the status of the industry , so that the " follow - up strategy " originally adopted by the Hong Kong Cultural Tourism Co . , Ltd . , which follows the business development of the parent company , cannot adapt to the new market environment and the need for further development of the company .

Therefore , the company must re - examine its own development strategy , solve the problem that the original development direction of the company is single and the strategy choice is not strong . On the strategic focus , the company should abide by the strategy need to fully reflect the characteristics of the company ' s leisure and modern fashion . On the strategic measure , the company should strengthen the marketing of the company ' s health - preserving leisure and modern fashion . On the strategic measure , the company should strengthen the development of the market , perfect the financing guarantee system , strengthen the construction of the enterprise staff , cultivate the culture of the enterprise , and guarantee the smooth implementation of the company ' s development strategy .



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4 陈雪钧;马勇;;关于我国饭店集团品牌国际化的思考[J];重庆教育学院学报;2007年05期




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