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发布时间:2018-05-06 08:29

  本文选题:房地产 + 代理公司 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产代理行业是产生房地产附加价值的重要行业,它是国家监管部门、房地产开发商、广大服务商和消费者之间的纽带,是国家重要经济产业的组成部分。随着近几年全市房地产市场的政策性变化,市场竞争日趋激烈,销售人员的流失的问题日益突出,逐渐成为影响房地产代理公司持续发展的风险因素。房地产代理公司要在未来的销售竞争中立于不败之地,就必须根据自身实际情况,从人才管理的各个环节入手,制定适宜的人才招聘、培养、任用和保留策略。 A公司是苏州市及江苏省本土最大的地产综合服务机构,在苏州及江苏其他各市等传统市场占据重要地位。本文以国内外人才流失的相关理论为依据,,以房地产代理企业A公司销售人员流失问题为研究对象,使用了问卷调查、关键人物访谈等方法,进行了详细的案例分析。在对取得的主要数据分析及A公司自身针对流失的策略效果分析后,提出了提高员工满意度、控制A公司销售人员流失的对策。 企业的发展状况,都会以一定的现象表现出来,而显著的人员流失问题在很大程度上代表了企业的发展状况是否健康积极。同样,流失问题也公证客观的反应了员工对企业的认同程度、身为企业一员的荣誉感和对企业的忠诚度。A公司只要秉持“以人为本”的经营理念,将员工身心两方面的幸福作为企业奋斗的目标,并要求员工要为社会作出应有的贡献;同时从薪酬制度、晋升体系、培训政策和企业文化等方面入手,真正了解员工、指导员工和关心员工,就能够提高员工物质和精神上的满意度,点亮员工的心灵,使他们留下来尽心全力的与公司一齐为共同的事业努力,为企业的繁荣奋斗。
[Abstract]:The real estate agency industry is an important industry which produces the added value of the real estate. It is the link between the state supervision department, the real estate developer, the general service provider and the consumer, and it is the component part of the important economic industry of the country. With the policy changes of the real estate market in the city in recent years, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and the loss of sales personnel is becoming increasingly prominent, which gradually becomes a risk factor affecting the sustainable development of real estate agency companies. In order to be invincible in the future sales competition, the real estate agency must, according to its own actual situation, formulate appropriate strategies for recruiting, training, appointing and retaining talents from various aspects of talent management. Company A is the largest real estate service organization in Suzhou and Jiangsu Province, and plays an important role in traditional markets such as Suzhou and other cities in Jiangsu Province. Based on the theory of brain drain at home and abroad, this paper makes a detailed case study on the problem of turnover of sales personnel in A Company of Real Estate Agent Company, using the methods of questionnaire, key person interview and so on. Based on the analysis of the main data obtained and the effect of company A's own strategy on loss, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to improve the employee satisfaction and control the turnover of sales personnel in company A. The development of enterprises will be shown by a certain phenomenon, and the significant problem of staff loss to a large extent represents whether the development of enterprises is healthy and positive. Similarly, the problem of loss is also a notarized reflection of the degree of recognition of the employees towards the enterprise. As a member of the enterprise, the sense of honor and loyalty to the enterprise. A company as long as adhering to the "people-oriented" business philosophy, Taking the well-being of employees both physically and mentally as the goal of enterprise struggle, and requiring employees to make due contributions to society; at the same time, starting from the pay system, promotion system, training policy and corporate culture, and so on, we can really understand the employees. Guiding employees and caring for employees can improve the material and spiritual satisfaction of employees, light the hearts of employees, and enable them to stay and work hard with the company to work together for the common cause and strive for the prosperity of the enterprise.


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