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发布时间:2018-05-08 10:04

  本文选题:房地产 + 估价方法 ; 参考:《财经界(学术版)》2016年12期

[Abstract]:Since China's economic reform and opening up, the reform of land use right system and urban housing system has given birth to the development of real estate industry. Subsequently, the promulgation and implementation of land use right mortgage system has promoted the real estate industry to develop in depth. In addition, in recent years, the real estate industry is in the ascendant, real estate industry has been rapid development in all fields, the real estate valuation industry emerged as the times require. In the real estate related economic activities, such as real estate transaction, mortgage, pawn, guarantee, real estate related tax collection, real estate expropriation compensation and so on, it is necessary to estimate and judge the real estate value reasonably. Therefore, the evaluation of real estate value has become an indispensable part of real estate economic activities. Valuation method is an important means to realize the evaluation of real estate value. At present, in the domestic real estate evaluation activities, the more commonly used valuation methods are: income method, comparative method, cost method and so on. This paper first expounds the concept and characteristics of real estate valuation, and then expounds the importance of the research on real estate valuation methods, focusing on three estimation methods: comparative method, income method and cost method. Finally, the paper studies the application of income method in real estate valuation, which is beneficial to the correct application of real estate valuation method in real estate evaluation.
【作者单位】: 北京华天通房地产评估有限公司;


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4 本报记者 刘U,




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