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发布时间:2018-05-08 20:30

  本文选题:房地产项目 + 绿色管理模式 ; 参考:《吉林建筑大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the times, people's ecological consciousness has been improved, the protection of the ecological environment has become the theme of our times. So we need to change and optimize our environment from all aspects of our lives, the traditional real estate project management model can no longer meet our requirements, we need a brand new, green, healthy, Ecological project management model, green management and operation. This paper mainly analyzes the application of the project green management mode, and compares the difference between the traditional project management mode and the project green management mode through the method of comparative analysis. Finally, taking the second phase of Shenyang Yataicheng Project as a case study, the green management mode applied in project management is interpreted in all directions. And made a comprehensive evaluation of the green management model. The main research contents of this paper are as follows: 1) this paper analyzes the green management model and expounds the connotation of the green management model. This paper mainly analyzes the green management mode of the whole life cycle of the real estate project, expounds the significance of implementing the green management mode, and from the design stage, the construction stage, the use stage, and so on. At last, it puts forward the effective guarantee measures. Finally, the case analysis stage is put forward, and a complete real estate project through green management mode is analyzed. Fully affirmed the green management mode has the advantage. This article mainly uses the following three kinds of research methods to carry on the thorough research to this topic, respectively is the: 1) the literature induction method through carries on the collation to the related domain literature, has summarized the predecessor research result, has grasped this domain research frontier domain, Through the comparative analysis of green management mode and traditional management mode, the advantages and trends of green management mode in project management are clarified. The case analysis method of green management mode in real estate project management is analyzed by a practical case, and the green management mode is applied to the management process of real estate project completely. The application effect of green management mode is evaluated scientifically.


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