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发布时间:2018-05-09 10:07

  本文选题:小产权房 + 房屋买卖 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近些年来,,随着城市化进程的加快和房地产市场的繁荣发展,“小产权房”规模也在不断扩大,已经成为社会讨论的热门话题之一。对于这一历史遗留问题,虽然国家在政策上三令五申,明令禁止小产权房的买卖行为,但由于缺少相关法律法规的明确规定,实务界及理论界对于小产权房买卖的效力一直存在较大的争议。小产权房能否转正、买卖合同是否有效等相关问题一直为人们所关注。与国内相比,国外实行土地私有化,土地属于个人所有,在其土地上建造的房屋属于个人财产,可以自由转让,并不存在小产权房问题。现实生活中买卖小产权房的现象层出不穷。近些年来,审判实践中也大量出现了小产权房买卖的案件,而这些案件基本是围绕“房屋买卖合同是否有效”展开的。因为合同的效力直接关系到购房者能否取得房屋产权以及发生纠纷时合法权益的维护。纵观此类案件,很多都是由于小产权房出卖后国家征地或拆迁过程中的利益分配问题而引发的,而从法院的审判结果来看,判定小产权房买卖合同无效的情形占绝大多数。在相关法律法规并不完善的情形之下,法院判定小产权房买卖合同无效是否有理有据,合同无效后双方的利益如何分配、损失如何分担等执行难问题是否能得已解决,是否能从法律上达到公平公正的法律效果以及定分止争的社会效果等一系列问题,都是我们值得深思的地方。 小产权房问题不仅是一个法律问题,而且还涉及了农民、城市居民、政府、房地产开发商等各方利益,因此,根据具体国情,改革法律及制度上的弊端,创造性地解决因小产权房买卖所带来的一系列社会问题,具有重大的理论意义和实践价值。 本文第一部分主要是通过对当前小产权房现状的分析,结合国家相关法律法规以及理论界的对此的相关态度,提出本文所研究的是“城市居民购买农村宅基地上房屋”这一类小产权房买卖的效力问题。 本文的第二部是对与小产权房买卖密切相关的宅基地使用权制度进行了分析。在“房地一体”原则之下,对我国当前的农村宅基地使用权的性质及流转方面的规定进行了反思,并结合时代背景并提出笔者自己的观点,也为下文进一步分析当前小产权房买卖的争议提供相关论证依据。 本文第三部分主要是针对理论界及实务界对此类小产权房买卖的效力争议的归纳分析。主要有两种观点,第一种是无效说;第二种是有效说。笔者分别对支持这两种学说的理由进行了归纳分析,并通过结合审判实务中的经验,提出了笔者对小产权房买卖效力的认定。 本文第四部分主要是从笔者主张此类小产权房买卖有效的观点出发,根据现实的具体情况,提出了解决此类小产权房买卖问题的一些具体构想,主要是从深化宅基地制度改革;在具备条件的情况下修改有关宅基地使用权的相关法律规定规定并制定专门的《农村土地流转法》为认定此类小产权房买卖提供明确的法律依据;毕竟此类小产权房已存在十余年,在目前相关法律法规不明确的情形之下,通过开展试点,探寻符合农村实际的解决此类问题的途径,为将来有序地在全国范围内解决此问题提供参考。
[Abstract]:In recent years , with the acceleration of urbanization and the prosperity of the real estate market , the scale of " small property rights house " has become one of the hot topics of social discussion .

It is not only a legal question , but also the interests of farmers , urban residents , governments and real estate developers . Therefore , according to the specific national conditions , the reform laws and the shortcomings of the system , it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to creatively solve the social problems caused by the sale of small property rights .

The first part of this paper is to analyze the present situation of small property right house , combine the relevant national laws and regulations as well as the relevant attitude of the theory circle , and put forward the question of the effect of the small property right house which is a kind of small property right house purchased by city residents .

The second part of this paper is to analyze the system of the right to use the house which is closely related to the sale and sale of the small property right house . Under the principle of the " one - in - one " principle , the article reflects on the nature and circulation of the right to use the rural house - house in China , and puts forward the author ' s own point of view in combination with the background of the times , and provides the basis for further analysis of the dispute about the sale of the current small - property house .

The third part of this paper is mainly on the inductive analysis of the dispute of the effect of the theory and practice circles on the sale of such small property rights houses . There are two main points : the first is ineffective .
The second is the effective theory . The author summarizes the reasons for supporting the two theories , and puts forward the author ' s conclusion about the effect of the sale of the small property rights house by combining the experience in the trial practice .

The fourth part of this paper is mainly from the point of view of the author ' s assertion of the effective view of the sale and sale of such small property rights . According to the actual situation , some concrete ideas are put forward to solve the problem of the sale of such small property rights , mainly from deepening the reform of the house system ;
Modify the relevant laws and regulations on the right to use the home base in case of preparation conditions , and formulate specific laws and regulations on rural land transfer to provide clear legal basis for the determination of such small property right houses ;
After all , such small property rights rooms have been in existence for more than ten years , under the circumstance that the current relevant laws and regulations are not clear , through carrying out the pilot , seek ways to solve such problems in accordance with the actual rural areas , and provide a reference for solving the problem in an orderly way throughout the country in the future .



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