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发布时间:2018-05-09 15:03

  本文选题:滨湖新城 + 房地产 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年,房地产行业在百姓刚性的需求下蓬勃发展,大家认为房地产行业拥有巨大的利润空间,因此更多的企业涌入房地产行业,开发企业数量急剧增加。但是随着房价的飞涨,土地资源越来越紧缺,房地产行业的供需矛盾越来越紧张,国家随即出台了一系列调控措施,房地产行业进入一个新的格局。淮南滨湖新城的开发建设也要及时调整战略适应新的形势,才能在未来竞争激烈的市场中占据主导地位。 本文从目前国内的房地产发展情况开始分析,从国家政策、经济因素、社会因素等方面阐述了当前国内的宏观市场情况,总结了房地产业的发展特点。又对淮南市房地产发展情况做了简要分析。借助波特的五力分析模型,从行业现有竞争者、潜在进入者、替代品威胁、供应商议价能力和购买者议价能力的角度分别枚举出作为区域市场的滨湖新城拥有良好的发展潜力,有巨大的增值空间。 文章运用SWOT分析方法,全面分析了滨湖新城开发建设的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战,认为:滨湖新城拥有良好的区位优势和政府的政策倾斜,同时高铁经济助推该区域的发展,但是不容小觑的是,淮南市房地产行业的发展已经较为成熟,山南新城也正在全力建设,越来越多的房企涌入淮南市场。 通过以上分析,得出滨湖新城的建设必须要转变发展战略,提出了自己的看法和建议,认为主要应该从以下几个方面进行:首先坚持差异化战略。差异化发展是在如此激烈的竞争氛围中制胜的重要法宝。通过设计的创造性、注重质量、营销的独特性三个层面来坚持差异化原则,保持强大的竞争力,获得更大的发展。其次坚持资本化战略。房地产行业的发展特点决定了房地产企业在投资运营项目中都存在资金链容易断裂的现象,因此在滨湖新城的开发中,采取了BT模式开发建设,不仅能够转移风险,同时也更好的进行了资源优化配置,带来更多的经济效益。再次,坚持信息化战略。将企业在运营活动中所做的工作通过一套完善的信息系统得以优化改善,提高了企业的工作效率,避免了信息孤岛化的现象,用有限的人力、物力创造出更大的价值。最后,坚持品牌化战略。品牌包括两个含义。一个是房地产企业的品牌,一个是房地产项目的品牌。房地产企业的品牌也是一种企业文化,品牌具有凝聚力,提高了员工的工作积极性和责任感。项目的品牌能够增加消费者的忠诚度,但企业树立品牌思想应该坚持长期性原则。这些战略改进的措施也可以给类似的企业开发项目提供一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the real estate industry is booming under the rigid demand of the common people. It is believed that the real estate industry has a huge profit space, so more enterprises pour into the real estate industry, and the number of development enterprises increases sharply. However, with the soaring house prices, land resources are more and more scarce, the contradiction between supply and demand of the real estate industry is becoming more and more tense, the state has issued a series of regulation and control measures, the real estate industry has entered a new pattern. The development and construction of Huainan lakeside new city should adjust its strategy in time to adapt to the new situation in order to occupy a dominant position in the competitive market in the future. This paper begins with the analysis of the development of the real estate industry in China at present, expounds the current macro-market situation in China from the aspects of national policy, economic factors and social factors, and summarizes the characteristics of the development of the real estate industry. Huainan City to do a brief analysis of the development of real estate. With the help of Porter's five-force analysis model, from the perspectives of existing competitors, potential entrants, alternative threats, suppliers' bargaining power and buyers' bargaining power, the Binhu New City, as a regional market, has good development potential, respectively. There is huge room for added value. This paper analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of the development and construction of Binhu New City by using the SWOT analysis method. The author thinks that the Binhu New City has good location advantage and government policy inclination, while the high-speed rail economy helps to promote the development of the region. But it should not be underestimated that the development of Huainan real estate industry has been more mature, Shannan New City is also working hard to build, more and more housing enterprises pour into the Huainan market. Through the above analysis, the author draws the conclusion that the construction of Binhu New City must change its development strategy, and puts forward its own views and suggestions, which should be carried out mainly from the following aspects: first, adhere to the differentiation strategy. Differentiation development is an important magic weapon to win in such a fierce competitive atmosphere. Through the creative design, pay attention to quality, marketing uniqueness three levels to adhere to the principle of differentiation, to maintain strong competitiveness, to achieve greater development. Second, adhere to the capitalization strategy. The development characteristics of the real estate industry determine that the capital chain is easy to break in the investment and operation projects of the real estate enterprises. Therefore, in the development of the lakeside new town, the development and construction of BT mode can not only transfer risks, At the same time, better resource allocation, bring more economic benefits. Third, adhere to the information strategy. Through a set of perfect information system, the work done by enterprises in operation activities can be optimized and improved, which improves the working efficiency of enterprises, avoids the phenomenon of information isolation, and creates greater value with limited manpower and material resources. Finally, adhere to the brand strategy. Brands have two meanings. One is the brand of real estate enterprises, the other is the brand of real estate projects. The brand of the real estate enterprise is also a kind of enterprise culture, the brand has the cohesive force, enhances the employee's work enthusiasm and the sense of responsibility. The brand of the project can increase the customer's loyalty, but the enterprise should adhere to the long-term principle of brand-building. These strategic improvement measures can also provide some reference value for similar enterprise development projects.


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