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发布时间:2018-05-10 17:24

  本文选题:Lucene + 中文分词 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着互联网的不断发展与网络社区概念的兴起,地星房地产集团公司逐步将营销推广渠道从原先单一信息传递的传统电视、报纸、杂志等媒体载体转向具有更强的互动性、用户资源更为广泛、实时性更高的互联网推广载体。地星房地产集团公司快速的建立起了自己的企业门户、微博、博客、甚至二十四小时的在线客服。面对如此之多的用户交互渠道,普遍的一套靠人工收集维护的营销系统显然逐渐无法支撑起如此庞大的信息交互。通过采用Lucene(用于信息的全文搜索)技术将不同在线渠道收集来的非结构化数据进行检索,配合高效的分词算法与权值处理过程,不仅实现了对各种企业开放的交互渠道的信息收集、归类与分析。大大减少了人工处理的工作量与出错率,即时的将最新的信息传递至营销系统以供高层快速决策提供了基础。 以地星房地产营销系统项目为背景,首先讨论企业多渠道客户交互方式的重要性,并指出所构建的多渠道数据分析采集与单一人工数据采集分析相比所具有的优势,进而分析构建一个多渠道来源的营销系统的必要性。在此基础上,讨论多渠道信息分析的房地产营销系统中关于信息采集、客户分类以及营销分析等功能。分析地星房地产公司的客户信息管理、客服管理、营销投放管理等主要业务流程。然后基于MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构进行系统设计,并由此对不同渠道的信息采集以及客户反馈信息收集子系统进行详细设计,其中重点讨论根据客户交互数据动态分析信息功能、各渠道来源信息的归类方式以及费效分析的实现方法。最后,阐述基于Lucene技术的房地产营销系统的推广前景。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the Internet and the rise of the concept of the network community, the star real estate group has gradually shifted the marketing channel from the traditional television, newspaper, magazine and other media carrier to more interactive, more extensive user resources and more real-time Internet promotion carrier. The group has quickly built up its own enterprise portal, micro-blog, blogs, even twenty-four hours of online customer service. In the face of so many user interaction channels, a widespread system of manual collection and maintenance is obviously unable to support such a huge information interaction. By using Lucene (full text search for information) Technology retrieves unstructured data collected from different online channels, cooperates with efficient word segmentation algorithm and weight processing process. It not only realizes the information collection, classification and analysis of the interactive channels open to various enterprises, but greatly reduces the workload and error rate of artificial processing, and transfers the latest information to the marketing department immediately. The system provides a basis for rapid decision making at the high level.
Based on the ground star real estate marketing system project, the importance of multi channel customer interaction in the enterprise is discussed first, and the advantages of the multi-channel data analysis collection and the single artificial data acquisition analysis are pointed out, and the necessity of constructing a multi-channel marketing system is analyzed. In the real estate marketing system of multi-channel information analysis, the main business processes such as information collection, customer classification and marketing analysis are analyzed. The main business processes, such as customer information management, customer service management, marketing management and so on, are analyzed. Then the system is designed based on MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, and the different channels are made. The information collection and the customer feedback information collection subsystem are designed in detail, which focuses on the dynamic analysis of information function according to the customer interaction data, the classification of sources of sources and the realization method of the cost-effectiveness analysis. Finally, the prospect of the promotion of the real estate marketing system based on Lucene technology is expounded.



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