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发布时间:2018-05-11 04:24

  本文选题:绿色建筑项目 + 全寿命周期成本 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, the global scope is facing the major challenge of environmental pollution and energy shortage. The energy consumption of construction industry is huge in the global energy consumption. Green building can not only reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, but also reduce the carbon footprint, and have the dual potential to cope with the challenges of the environment and energy. There is no delay in increasing the building area and developing green building vigorously. However, the time of the introduction of green building is relatively short, the conditions of policy, market and technology are not mature, and there is a large cost risk in the process of green building project development, and the real estate enterprises lack systematic understanding and effective control on the cost risk of green building items. This method seriously hinders the enthusiasm of its development and restricts the development of green building. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical value to study the life-cycle cost risk of green building projects. Through the analysis of Xiang Guanwen's contribution to green buildings at home and abroad, green building, green building risk and risk management The research status and results are combed, and the concept and connotation of green building are explored, and the green building is divided into 5 stages of decision, design, construction, operation and maintenance and recovery by using the life cycle cost theory of the project. According to the related literature at home and abroad, the risk is extended from the traditional 2 dimension to the probability and loss. 4 dimension attribute of control and management cost. Combining the domestic and foreign literature research, the principle of risk identification and the actual situation of China's green building development, 36 cost risk factors in the whole life cycle of green building project are identified, and the life-cycle cost risk list of green building project is constructed, and the risk factors are explained and analyzed. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the common evaluation methods and combining the practical application needs, the entropy weight method and TOPSIS method are selected as the comprehensive evaluation method of the life-cycle cost risk of green building projects, and the methods and principles and the calculation steps are expounded. According to the risk avoidance, the risk reduction, the risk transfer, and the risk retention, the 4 kinds of common winds are used. The risk coping strategy is to analyze the main cost risk factors of the whole life cycle of green building project, and put forward the coping strategies and specific measures of each risk factor. Finally, the C project is taken as an example to optimize the cost risk list established by the expert interview method, and get the conforms made up of 35 cost risk factors. The cost risk list of the actual situation of the project. A questionnaire survey of the participants in the C project is carried out to obtain the evaluation data of 4 attributes of the 35 cost risk factors of the project. The weight of the 4 attributes of the risk factors is calculated by the entropy weight method at the decision-making stage, and then the cost risk factors of the decision order are sorted by the TOPSIS method. Results and combined with the actual operation mode of B company, the Countermeasures for the cost risk factors at the top 3 were put forward.



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