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发布时间:2018-05-11 12:14

  本文选题:薪酬体系 + 人力资本激励 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:M地产集团有限公司是中国Q集团公司的下属子公司,主要从事房地产开发、建筑安装等专业工程项目。由于该公司主营业务以工程项目为主,规模较大,地域分布较广,需要结合实际需求实现人力资本的灵活调配。目前,M公司基本上沿用国企传统的薪酬管理模式,存在薪酬体系对人力资本激励能力不足,薪酬水平行业竞争力下降,员工薪酬满意度降低等诸多问题,严重制约了公司的发展。 本文首先以相关理论梳理与文献计量为基础,结合M公司薪酬体系的运行情况,从员工满意度、同行业薪酬竞争优势、人力资本激励能力、薪酬体系调节能力,员工参与度与信息透明度等角度设计调查问卷并展开调查,对薪酬体系存在的问题和相关原因进行深入分析;进而结合人力资本参与度、多系统互动协同度、薪酬体系动态性等方面,对M公司薪酬体系从战略、水平和结构三方面进行优化;最后,根据优化方案的主要内容,提出了薪酬体系优化方案实施的具体步骤与评价思路。 研究表明:(1)造成M公司薪酬体系相关问题的主要原因有薪酬体系与绩效考核没有很好的结合,薪酬体系的构成结构存在一定的不合理性,薪酬水平的长期调节能力不足等;(2)薪酬体系的优化主要内容有基本工资由原来基于绩效考核的岗位工资调整为岗位工资+绩效工资的结构,薪酬体系内引入工资水平的长期调节机制;(3)薪酬体系优化方案的实施与评价需要考虑薪酬体系优化内容的推广与外部影响。通过一系列规范化流程与较充分的信息反馈机制,能够有效贯彻薪酬体系优化后的调整与实施。外部影响的核算估算薪酬体系调整对M公司整体运作带来的冲击,从而实现风险可控性与合理预警,以保证薪酬体系优化方案的顺利实施。
[Abstract]:M Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of China Q Group, mainly engaged in real estate development, construction and installation and other professional projects. Because the main business of the company is mainly engineering projects, large scale and wide geographical distribution, it is necessary to realize the flexible allocation of human capital according to the actual demand. At present, the company basically follows the traditional salary management model of state-owned enterprises. There are many problems such as inadequate incentive ability of compensation system to human capital, declining competitiveness of compensation level industry, reduced employee satisfaction with compensation, and so on. The development of the company is seriously restricted. Based on the related theory and literature measurement, this paper combines the operation of compensation system of M Company, from employee satisfaction, competitive advantage of compensation in the same industry, incentive ability of human capital, adjustment ability of compensation system. From the angles of employee participation and information transparency, this paper designs a questionnaire and carries out a survey to deeply analyze the problems existing in the compensation system and the related reasons; and then combines the participation of human capital, the multi-system interaction and synergy, This paper optimizes the compensation system of M Company from three aspects: strategy, level and structure. Finally, according to the main contents of the optimization scheme, the paper puts forward the concrete steps and evaluation ideas for the implementation of the compensation system optimization scheme. The research shows that the main reasons for the related problems of salary system in M Company are that the compensation system is not well integrated with performance appraisal, and the structure of the compensation system is irrational to a certain extent. The main content of the optimization of the salary system is that the basic salary is adjusted from the post wage based on the performance appraisal to the structure of the post wage based on the performance appraisal. The implementation and evaluation of the optimization scheme of salary system need to consider the promotion and external influence of the optimization content of salary system. Through a series of standardized processes and adequate information feedback mechanism, the adjustment and implementation of the optimized compensation system can be effectively carried out. The adjustment of compensation system of external impact on M company's whole operation, so as to realize risk control and reasonable early warning, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of salary system optimization scheme.


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