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发布时间:2018-05-11 23:20

  本文选题:地产联络口译 + 译员主体性意识 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:此篇报告主要是围绕两次房地产项目联络口译展开。该房地产项目由大连合昱房地产集团开发楼盘,成大广告传媒公司负责国内外营销工作。 我受雇于成大广告传媒,第一次合作是在2013年3月,为期两天。第二次合作是在2014年4月,为期三天。 报告的第一部分对这两次联络口译任务做具体的描述,包括任务背景、任务性质、委托方要求、我的职责及委托方反馈评估。 报告的第二部分是翻译过程的描述,如译前准备、翻译过程中出现的问题及我的解决方法。 第三部分和第四部分为本报告重点进行阐述的部分。第三部分总结翻译实践中出现的问题类型,如何在理论知识指导下解决问题,做尝试性结论:针对同类问题的翻译对策。这里所指的理论是联络口译中译员主体性意识理论。 第四部分翻译实践总结,将实践中已解决的和未解决的问题写出来,剖析原因。哪些是可以供大家借鉴的,哪些是需要改进提高的。
[Abstract]:This report mainly revolves around two real estate project liaison interpreters. The real estate project is developed by Dalianhe Yu Real Estate Group. I was hired by Advertising Media, and my first collaboration was in March 2013, for two days. The second collaboration took place in April 2014 and lasted three days. The first part of the report gives a detailed description of the two contact interpretation tasks, including the background of the task, the nature of the task, the requirements of the client, my duties and the feedback assessment of the client. The second part of the report describes the translation process, such as pre-translation preparation, translation problems and my solutions. The third and fourth parts are the key parts of this report. The third part summarizes the types of problems in translation practice, how to solve the problems under the guidance of theoretical knowledge, and makes a tentative conclusion: the translation strategies for the same problems. The theory referred to here is the theory of translator's subjectivity in liaison interpretation. The fourth part is a summary of translation practice. What can be used for reference, which need to be improved.


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1 蔡小红,方凡泉;论口译的质量与效果评估[J];外语与外语教学;2003年03期

2 任文;蒋莉华;;从话语分析的角度重识口译人员的角色[J];中国翻译;2006年02期




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