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发布时间:2018-05-12 03:40

  本文选题:资源型城市 + 房地产市场风险 ; 参考:《西安建筑科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Depending on the local abundant energy superiority, the resource-based city develops and grows gradually. With the rapid development of economy and the advancement of urbanization, the real estate market is rising rapidly. The soaring real estate price causes the market bubble to expand unceasingly, the risk accumulates day by day. Because of the complex interactive mechanism between real estate and regional economic development, it is more difficult to manage real estate risk, and it will also lead to the transmission of real estate risk to regional economy. This paper first analyzes the causes of the real estate market risk from the characteristics of the real estate market and the development characteristics of resource-based cities, and shows the dynamic evolution process of the real estate market risk from its emergence to triggering transmission. Then, based on the perspective of asset price fluctuation, the paper studies the influence mechanism of real estate market risk on regional economy through the transmission of real estate price fluctuation. This paper mainly analyzes the influence of real estate market risk on economic output variables such as wealth effect, investment effect and financial accelerator effect. And establish vector autoregressive model for empirical research. The results show that the wealth effect of the real estate price fluctuation is very significant, which makes the real estate market risk have a great impact on the residents' consumption expenditure through the wealth effect when the real estate is in the stage of economic decline. However, the direct effect of real estate price fluctuation on investment is not significant, but the existence of financial accelerator effect will amplify its effect on investment. Finally, it analyzes the impact of real estate market risk on the overall development of regional economy. From the impulse response and variance decomposition of real estate price fluctuation to regional economic output, we can see that the impact of real estate market risk on regional economy is real, but compared with the contribution rate of economic fluctuation itself, This effect is not significant. This shows that, as a resource-based city, the risk of real estate market can only affect the economic growth rate to a certain extent, but can not completely change the regional economic development trend. Finally, according to the above research, put forward the real estate market risk management countermeasures. By studying the influence mechanism of real estate market risk on regional economy, this paper explores an effective way to promote the coordinated development of real estate industry and regional economy in resource-based cities.


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6 余U喲,




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