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发布时间:2018-05-13 01:44

  本文选题:个人理财 + 理财业务 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着居民可支配收入水平的不断提高,人们已经不再把储蓄作为理财的唯一手段,而通货膨胀水平居高不下更激发了人们对银行理财产品的需求。同时金融市场的快速发展和金融产品的不断更新也使得人们的理财意识不断深化。 中国银行DS支行的个人理财业务是指根据不同层次客户的资产保值、增值需求,为客户量身订做的一系列个人理财服务和理财规划,在客户的生命周期内满足客户个人资产的安全性、流动性和盈利性的相关要求。银行理财业务的主体是理财产品,按照发行人可分为:银行理财产品、基金产品、保险理财产品、券商理财产品和信托理财产品。根据个人理财业务自身的业务特点,从银行的角度可以将中国银行DS支行个人理财业务风险划分为责任风险和信誉风险。 责任风险是指针对中国银行DS支行个人理财业务的实际情况,在产品销售及签约过程中可能给银行带来的损失。具体的责任风险主要包括:信息传递风险、客户适合度风险、银行理财人员的操作风险。信誉风险是指理财产品设计和理财资金运作中所面临的风险。虽然银行已在合约中明确指出由此产生的风险由投资者自行承担,,银行因此会免责,但在目前情况下一旦理财产品出现较大的亏损会严重影响银行的信誉,所以银行在很大程度上承担了这部分风险。根据具体业务类型将信誉风险划分为银信理财合作业务相关风险、理财资金投资于地方政府融资平台的风险、理财资金用于权益类投资的风险、理财资金用于房地产投资的风险、银行代销业务的风险。 中国银行DS支行的理财业务是财富管理业务中风险点较为集中的环节之一。理财产品相关风险不仅直接关系到客户与银行的利益损失,也受到监管部门和媒体的高度关注。随着近年来我行理财产品的迅猛发展,中国银行DS支行应根据发展战略、风险管理要求和业务特点,建立健全财富管理业务风险管理体系和内部控制制度,落实内部监督和独立审核措施,审慎尽责的开展个人理财业务。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous improvement of disposable income, people no longer take savings as the only means of financial management, and the high level of inflation has aroused the demand for banking products. At the same time, the rapid development of financial markets and the continuous updating of financial products also make people's financial awareness deepen. The personal finance business of the DS branch of the Bank of China refers to a series of personal financial services and financial planning tailored for customers according to the value preservation and value-added needs of customers at different levels. Meet the security, liquidity, and profitability requirements of individual assets within the customer's life cycle. The main body of banking financial management business is financial products, according to the issuer can be divided into: bank financial products, fund products, insurance financial products, securities financial products and trust financial products. According to the business characteristics of personal finance business, the risk of personal finance business of DS branch of Bank of China can be divided into responsibility risk and credit risk from the angle of bank. Liability risk refers to the actual situation of personal finance business of DS branch of Bank of China, which may bring losses to the bank in the process of product sale and contract. The specific liability risk mainly includes: information transmission risk, customer suitability risk, bank financial management personnel operation risk. Credit risk refers to the risks faced in the design of financial products and the operation of financial funds. Although banks have made it clear in their contracts that the risks arising therefrom are to be borne by the investors themselves, the banks will therefore be exempted from liability. However, under the present circumstances, a substantial loss of wealth management products will seriously affect the credibility of the banks. So the banks took on this part of the risk to a large extent. According to the specific business types, the credit risk is divided into the risks related to the banking and credit management cooperation business, the risk of the investment of the financial funds in the local government financing platform, and the risk of the financial funds being used for equity investment. Financial management funds used in real estate investment risk, the risk of bank sales business. The banking business of DS branch of Bank of China is one of the most concentrated risk points in wealth management business. The risks related to financial products are not only directly related to the interests of customers and banks, but also highly concerned by regulators and the media. With the rapid development of our bank's financial products in recent years, the DS branch of Bank of China should establish and improve the risk management system and internal control system of wealth management business according to the development strategy, risk management requirements and business characteristics. Implementation of internal oversight and independent audit measures, prudent and due diligence to carry out personal finance business.


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2 庄芝琴;中国工商银行发展个人理财产品的策略研究[D];华东师范大学;2011年

3 汪德晟;大连民生银行个人理财产品创新研究[D];大连理工大学;2006年

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5 杨_";我国商业银行个人理财业务发展研究[D];西南财经大学;2007年

6 王倩;我国商业银行个人理财业务发展研究[D];吉林大学;2008年

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8 林元彬;商业银行个人理财业务的发展现状及策略研究[D];厦门大学;2007年

9 刘冰玉;我国商业银行个人理财业务发展问题研究[D];东北师范大学;2009年

10 吴文迪;我国银行结构性理财产品创新研究[D];华东师范大学;2009年




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