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发布时间:2018-05-15 01:16

  本文选题:房地产开发项目 + 项目管理 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产业是我国新的发展阶段的一个重要支柱产业。近些年来,房地产事业在我国的发展速度非常迅猛,其中最主要的依托就是大项目建设。房地产企业在日新月异的市场变化中不断调整着自己的角色,从以往的单纯依靠单体项目的形式逐渐发展成应对大型规模化项目的层次。但是随着发展规模的日益扩大,以往的形式有些已经不是新时期的市场发展,管理起来的难度也越来越大,如果不能通过科学有效的管理来降低风险,项目就有可能失去控制,从而导致失败,所以必须加快房地产企业的科学化管理进程,通过不断的发展和创新来应付复杂多变环境的有力武器。 从各行各业的发展形势来看,房地产企业所面临的市场竞争有所不同,这也决定了房地产项目有着本身固有的特点,有着很强的独特性。其最显著的特点是地域性、前瞻性、市场性、创新性、可操作性、多样性。就是基于这些特点,房地产项目在发展演变的过程中也有一些固有的内在规律,这是与其他产业的项目有着本质不同的地方,房地产公司在对一个具体的房地产项目进行具体运作的时候,更加注重对整个流程的整体监控,往往把各个阶段的项目运作用一套科学的内部管理机制串联起来,使各种管理职能能够更加有效的组织和运转起来,使项目管理更强调灵活与应变、更强凋时间与质量管理、更强调统一筹划与协调。 本文通过对“汇创名居二期”房地产开发项目的项目管理研究,阐述了项目管理理论在该项目开发决策阶段、工程建设阶段以及项目收尾阶段的运用,分析了在管理过程中发现的问题,提出了改进设想和建议。 在此基础上本文还对房地产开发项目的过程管理办法进行研究和分析,提出房地产开发项目过程管理体系,并就房地产企业采取项目动态过程管理体系提出几点建议。
[Abstract]:Real estate industry is an important pillar industry in the new development stage of our country. In recent years, the development of real estate industry in China is very rapid, among which the main support is the construction of large projects. Real estate enterprises are constantly adjusting their roles in the changing market, and gradually develop from the form of relying on single projects to the level of dealing with large-scale projects. However, as the scale of development expands day by day, some of the past forms are no longer the market development of the new era, and the difficulty of management is becoming more and more great. If the risk can not be reduced by scientific and effective management, the project may lose control. Therefore, it is necessary to speed up the process of scientific management of real estate enterprises, and to cope with the powerful weapon of complex and changeable environment through continuous development and innovation. According to the development situation of various industries, the market competition faced by real estate enterprises is different, which also determines that real estate projects have their own inherent characteristics and strong uniqueness. Its most prominent features are regional, forward-looking, marketable, innovative, operational, and diverse. It is based on these characteristics that real estate projects also have some inherent laws in the course of development and evolution, which is fundamentally different from other industrial projects. When a real estate company operates a specific real estate project, it pays more attention to the overall monitoring of the whole process. It often links up the project operation in each stage with a scientific internal management mechanism. All kinds of management functions can be organized and operated more effectively, and project management emphasizes flexibility and adaptability, time and quality management, unified planning and coordination. By studying the project management of the real estate development project of "Huizhuanzhu Phase II", this paper expounds the application of the project management theory in the decision-making stage of the project development, the stage of the project construction and the stage of the completion of the project. The problems found in the process of management are analyzed, and suggestions for improvement are put forward. On this basis, this paper also carries on the research and analysis to the real estate development project process management method, proposes the real estate development project process management system, and puts forward some suggestions for the real estate enterprise to adopt the project dynamic process management system.


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