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发布时间:2018-05-15 11:02

  本文选题:小产权房 + 利益相关者 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国小产权房问题由来已久。1980至1983年我国推行的家庭联产承包制,令部分农村剩余劳动力得到释放。1985年至1989年掀起进城或进镇就业高潮,城郊农民抓住商机利用自家宅基地或有集体用建设用地兴建房屋向进城劳动力租售,小产权房由此产生。90年代起城里人到农村购买小产权房的现象开始蔓延。小产权房是在多种因素的共同作用下产生并发展起来,进入本世纪后伴随着我国住房制度改革的推进、城镇化进程的加快、房地产市场的升温、土地收益分配不均凸显等问题的出现,小产权房呈爆发式的增长并迅速蔓延。小产权房问题发展至今,,其自身的复杂性已成为困扰着政府相关部门进行决策治理的根源所在。中央政府对于小产权房所持的态度是坚决制止的但又未见有切实的政策措施出台。小产权房问题的存在不是单一的土地、经济或法律问题,它已成为关乎国计民生的综合性社会问题。小产权房已经从自然散发阶段进入利益博弈阶段,在愈演愈烈的小产权房利益博弈中,众多利益主体纠缠其中。 本文运用文献分析、历史分析、博弈分析,理论与实际相结合,通过对小产权房利益博弈过程的梳理,分析小产权房的发展脉络,透过对各方利益主体之间的博弈互动,探索围绕小产权房产生的复杂利益关系。重点放在研究小产权房利益博弈中各方利益主体的利益诉求以及各方利益主体之间的利益关系。试图找出小产权房利益博弈中各方利益主体的矛盾点和平衡点。进而为科学、稳妥地处理小产权房问题提出相应的政策建议和对策。 首先,本文第二部分通过小产权房综述对小产权房的性质及特征进行阐述,在第三部分中对围绕小产权房展开的利益博弈的各方利益主体进行深入分析。为小产权房利益博弈过程的梳理与研究奠定基础。 其次,本文第四部分对小产权房的利益博弈过程以及各利益主体在小产权房利益博弈过程中产生的作用进行较深入分析。以小产权房在利益博弈阶段的不同发展时期为划分,梳理小产权房的发展节奏。 最后,本文第五、六部分从小产权房利益博弈过程的分析中总结出对于小产权房治理的启示,进一步地进行各方利益平衡分析。从利益博弈视角对小产权房问题的发展走向进行分析、并对小产权房的治理提出的政策建议。
[Abstract]:The problem of small property right in our country has a long history. From 1980 to 1983, the household contract system was implemented in our country, which released some rural surplus labors. From 1985 to 1989, it set off a high tide of employment in cities or towns. The suburban farmers seize the opportunity to use their homestead or collective construction land to build houses to rent and sell to the urban labor force, and the phenomenon of small property right houses from the beginning of the 1990s to the rural areas began to spread. The small property right house is produced and developed under the joint action of many factors. After entering this century, along with the advance of our country's housing system reform, the acceleration of the urbanization process, the heating up of the real estate market, Uneven distribution of land income issues such as the emergence of small-property houses explosive growth and rapid spread. With the development of the problem of small property right, its complexity has become the root of the decision-making and governance of relevant government departments. The central government's attitude to small-property housing is firmly curbed but no practical policy measures have been introduced. The existence of small property rights is not a single land, economic or legal problems, it has become a comprehensive social problem related to the national economy and people's livelihood. The small property right house has already entered the benefit game stage from the natural distribution stage, in the intensified small property house benefit game, many benefit main bodies are entangled in it. This paper uses literature analysis, historical analysis, game analysis, the combination of theory and practice, through combing the interest game process of the small property house, analyzes the development of the small property house, through the game interaction between the main interests of all parties. Explore the complex interests around small property rights. Emphasis is placed on the interest demands of the parties and the relationship between the interests of the parties in the interest game of the small property right house. This paper tries to find out the contradictory points and equilibrium points of the main interests of each party in the small property right house interest game. Then put forward the corresponding policy suggestions and countermeasures for scientific and steady handling of the problem of small property rights. First of all, the second part of this paper describes the nature and characteristics of small property houses through the review of small property houses. In the third part, the interests of the parties around the interests of small property houses are analyzed in depth. For the small property rights of the interests of the game process of combing and research laid the foundation. Secondly, the fourth part of this paper deeply analyzes the benefit game process of the small property right house and the function of each interest subject in the interest game process of the small property house. According to the different development periods of the small property right house in the stage of benefit game, the rhythm of the development of the small property right house is sorted out. Finally, the fifth and sixth parts of this paper sum up the enlightenment to the governance of the small property house from the analysis of the game process of the interests of the small property right house, and further carry on the analysis of the balance of the interests of all parties. This paper analyzes the development trend of the problem of small property right house from the angle of benefit game, and puts forward some policy suggestions on the management of small property right house.


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1 龙超;;宏观视野下的“小产权房”问题研究[J];品牌(下半月);2015年07期

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3 董志超;小产权房治理难点及解决对策研究[D];山西财经大学;2015年




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