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发布时间:2018-05-18 07:38

  本文选题:改革 + 国有企业 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:国企改革和事业单位分类改革是近两年来的热门话题,一方面让国有企业在管理体制上稳中求变,增强了生命力,另一方面让社会公益服务的职能增效,平衡并满足来自人与经济发展的需求。随着市场需求的逐渐饱和与政府维护市场健康有序发展采取的灵活且严厉的政策调控影响,房地产行业的内部竞争与外部制约正在加速激化。然而,当地方国有房地产公司同时应对机构改革与求生存这两场战役时,如何有效实现人力资源管理的制度革新从而攻克挑战并取得实效,已显得迫在眉睫。本文选取成都市某政府职能部门下属国有房地产开发企业CF公司作为研究对象,在2016年成都市事业单位分类改革机构整合后,该政府职能部门下属某两家事业单位合并,CF公司承担了其中一家被撤销的事业单位经营类全部事物与相应非编人员的划转。首先,本文介绍了研究对象,阐明研究背景及意义,通过对研究思路的设计,将内外部作用及CF公司近年来实行过的绩效考核办法进行宏微观分析,理清研究内容。其次,对CF公司经营环境进行综述,发现新人员划转后,在绩效考核管理上产生了严重的矛盾并潜藏诸多问题。根据实际运营情况,对CF公司绩效考核体系进行优化,将三大绩效考核方法综合融入其中。相对客观的完成了 CF公司的绩效考核体系革新,划分了考核对象、分解了关键指标、明确了考核周期与各项权重,将每一位员工的绩效工资划分为三部分计发,规避了大部分考核失衡的漏洞。最后,预测了系统优化后可能存在的风险并制定出一套相对完善的配套保障制度以备不时之需。本文使用"混合调洒"的方法对CF公司内部绩效考核进行了优化与提升,,基于各类潜在的主客观因素不可能达到完全理想的公平状态,但绝大部分适用于相同情况的国有房地产开发企业人力资源管理,希望本文的研究成果能对同行有一定的帮助并且具有参考和借鉴的价值。
[Abstract]:The reform of state-owned enterprises and the reform of classification of public institutions have been hot topics in the past two years. On the one hand, it has enabled state-owned enterprises to make changes in the management system, enhanced their vitality, and, on the other hand, has enabled them to increase efficiency in the functions of public welfare services. Balance and meet the needs of human and economic development. With the gradual saturation of market demand and the flexible and strict policy influence adopted by the government to maintain the healthy and orderly development of the market, the internal competition and external constraints of the real estate industry are accelerating to intensify. However, when local state-owned real estate companies deal with the two battles of institutional reform and survival at the same time, how to effectively realize the institutional innovation of human resources management and thus overcome the challenges and achieve practical results has become urgent. In this paper, CF Company, a state-owned real estate development enterprise affiliated to a government functional department in Chengdu, is selected as the research object. After the integration of the classified and reformed institutions of Chengdu in 2016, A certain two institutions under the government functional department merged with CF Company to undertake the transfer of one of the cancelled business units to the corresponding non-staff members. First of all, this paper introduces the research object, clarifies the research background and significance, through the design of research ideas, internal and external role and CF performance evaluation methods implemented in recent years for macro and micro analysis, clear up the research content. Secondly, this paper summarizes the operating environment of CF Company, and finds that after the new personnel transfer, there are serious contradictions and hidden problems in performance appraisal management. According to the actual operation situation, the performance appraisal system of CF company is optimized, and the three performance appraisal methods are integrated into it. Relatively objectively completed the performance appraisal system innovation of CF company, divided the appraisal object, decomposed the key index, defined the appraisal cycle and each weight, divided the performance salary of each employee into three parts. Avoid most of the assessment imbalance loopholes. Finally, the possible risks after system optimization are forecasted and a set of relative perfect supporting guarantee system is developed. In this paper, the internal performance evaluation of CF Company is optimized and promoted by the method of "mixed blending and sprinkling". Based on various potential subjective and objective factors, it is impossible to achieve a completely ideal fair state. However, most of them are suitable for the human resource management of state-owned real estate development enterprises in the same situation. I hope the research results of this paper can be helpful to the peers and have reference and reference value.


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