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发布时间:2018-05-18 23:37

  本文选题:房地产 + 项目管理 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Along with the housing supply policy, the housing market opening policy and the housing finance policy coming out one after another, the industrial organization of our country gradually tends to be reasonable, and begins to develop steadily towards the direction of optimization and upgrading. With urban construction, promoting the development of small towns and establishing economic development zones as the main driving force, the urbanization process began to advance in an all-round way. As a result, the real estate industry has gradually become one of the main economic industries in China. However, due to the adjustment of national macroeconomic policies, the tightening of international financial policies and between the supply and demand of the market, Make real estate industry face very high financial risk. In recent years, with the development of economy, Ningyang County has made great progress in housing construction. The housing conditions of urban and rural residents have been improved gradually, which effectively alleviates the insufficient allocation of small-sized housing in cities and towns. However, because Ningyang County is relatively remote in geographical location and relatively backward in economy, therefore, Xiushui Jiayuan Project, as an upscale residential district in the county area, is in the stages of development, construction, pre-sale and sale of the project. Inevitably due to the change of the market supply and demand, the unreasonable capital structure and the long construction cycle of the real estate industry, the project is faced with a lot of financial risks. This paper takes Xiushui Jiayuan as the object of study, through the application of theory and practice, quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, on the basis of drawing lessons from previous research results, starting from the basic theory of financial risk. Firstly, the background, current situation, characteristics and formation mechanism of real estate financial risk are expounded, and the influencing factors of financial risk formation are pointed out. Secondly, from the perspective of financial risk management, The cash flow, solvency and profitability of Xiushui Jiayuan project are discussed in detail. At the same time, combining the methods of model construction, profit and loss analysis, sensitivity analysis, probability analysis and so on, the paper makes an empirical analysis, and evaluates the financial risk of the project in all directions. Finally, from the aspects of financing risk, investment risk, cash flow and the risk of recovering funds, it is proposed that only a reasonable allocation of the term of the funds should be arranged, a reasonable proportion of the funds should be determined, a diversified investment should be advocated, and an appropriate investment should be made. Only by maintaining the best cash holding and other effective strategies can we avoid the risk of capital recovery and establish effective measures such as cash circulation mechanism and cash budgeting. For our country real estate project financial risk management, provided certain reference.


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