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发布时间:2018-05-20 18:27

  本文选题:企业集团 + 房地产企业 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济和房地产行业的发展,,我国房地产企业已进入到集团化、规范化、专业化的发展阶段,房地产企业间的竞争也演变为集团管控能力的竞争。T房地产集团公司受国家对房地产宏观调控政策及国有企业改革的影响,集团管控方面的模式问题、体系问题也日益突出,亟待解决。因此,选择适合T集团公司的管控模式并建立相应的管控模式体系,对提高公司的管控能力、增强集团公司的竞争实力、发挥企业集团整体优势就具有十分重要的现实意义。 为此,本文通过对房地产集团管控模式的相关理论的学习和研究,借鉴了房地产行业标杆企业集团的管控模式和经验,结合T房地产集团公司的现况进行了管控问题的梳理和战略选择分析,选择确定了适宜T集团公司的管控模式,并提出了管控体系建立的应用对策,解决了T公司集团管控模式选择与构建的现实问题。 T公司作为成立较早的以房地产开发为主业的房地产集团企业,其发展历程与行业的发展具有一致性,其国有控股合资企业的股权性质也体现出了大多数房地产企业从政府行为中剥离转入市场行为的发展特征,因此,其经营与管理的发展与沿革有一定的代表性。希望本文对T公司管控模式的研究,能为类似的大多数房地产有一定帮助和借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and real estate industry, Chinese real estate enterprises have entered the stage of collectivization, standardization and specialization. The competition among the real estate enterprises has also evolved into the competition of the control ability of the group. T Real Estate Group Company is influenced by the state's macro-control policy on the real estate and the reform of the state-owned enterprises. The problems of the mode of the group management and control and the problems of the system are also becoming increasingly prominent. Urgent need to be solved. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to choose the appropriate management and control mode for T group company and establish the corresponding control mode system to improve the management and control ability of the company, enhance the competitive strength of the group company, and give play to the overall advantages of the enterprise group. Therefore, through the study and research on the related theories of the real estate group management and control model, this paper draws lessons from the real estate industry benchmarking enterprise group management and control model and experience. Combined with the current situation of T Real Estate Group Company, this paper analyzes the management and control problems and strategic choice, selects and determines the appropriate management and control mode of T Group Company, and puts forward the application countermeasures for the establishment of the management and control system. To solve the T group control mode selection and construction of the reality of the problem. T Company, as an early real estate group enterprise with real estate development as its main business, has a consistent development process with the development of the industry. The equity nature of its state-owned holding joint venture also reflects the characteristics of the development of most real estate enterprises from government behavior to market behavior. Therefore, the development and evolution of its management and management is representative to a certain extent. It is hoped that the research of T Company's management and control mode in this paper will be helpful and useful for most similar real estate.


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