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发布时间:2018-05-21 08:32

  本文选题:贵阳 + 房价 ; 参考:《贵州财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:众所周知,房地产行业的健康运行,对于国民经济的发展有着至关重要的基础性作用。该行业的发展与国家的金融业发展、宏观政策调控等紧密相关;另外,,一个地区房地产市场的发展和当地的经济状况、房地产投资规模和居民收入又相互影响。因此,对于房地市场的研究就显得尤为必要。 近些年来,个别地区“房地产泡沫”现象被人津津乐道,其中陕西神木、内蒙鄂尔多斯、郑东新区、贵阳等地是被人议论最多的。本文对于全国和贵阳房地产市场的深入研究,量化分析贵阳市房地产业的发展状况,进而提出可行性建议。 首先对贵阳市房地产行业进行介绍,包括近年该市房地产投资规模、房价走势、房价与居民收入对比等,从而定性说明该地区房地产市场的大致情况。 其次,通过VAR模型来定量分析贵阳市商品房房价和当地地区生产总值、居民收入以及房地产开发投资的相互关系,分析认为,上期的房价以及地区生产总值对于当期的房价影响较大,而房地产投资规模对于地区生产总值有一定的正向影响。 最后从实际应用的角度对于贵阳市房地产市场的发展提供相关预测和一些可操作性建议,同时本文对于其他地区房地产行业的的研究和相关部门的规划调控有借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:As we all know, the healthy operation of the real estate industry plays a fundamental role in the development of the national economy. The development of this industry is closely related to the development of national financial industry and macro-policy regulation and control, in addition, the development of a region's real estate market and the local economic situation, the scale of real estate investment and the income of residents also affect each other. Therefore, the study of the real estate market is particularly necessary. In recent years, the phenomenon of "real estate bubble" has been talked about in some regions, including Shenmu in Shaanxi, Ordos in Inner Mongolia, Zheng Dong, Guiyang and so on. This paper makes a quantitative analysis of the development of real estate industry in Guiyang and puts forward some feasible suggestions for the further study of the real estate market in the whole country and Guiyang. Firstly, the paper introduces the real estate industry of Guiyang city, including the scale of real estate investment, the trend of house price, the contrast between house price and residents' income in recent years, and then qualitatively explains the general situation of the real estate market in this area. Secondly, through the VAR model to quantitatively analyze the relationship between real estate prices and local GDP, residents' income and investment in real estate development in Guiyang. The housing price of the last period and the regional GDP have a great influence on the current housing price, while the scale of real estate investment has a certain positive impact on the regional GDP. Finally, from the perspective of practical application of Guiyang real estate market development to provide relevant forecasts and some operational suggestions, at the same time, this paper is useful for the study of real estate industry in other regions and the planning and regulation of relevant departments.


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