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发布时间:2018-05-22 15:37

  本文选题:市场营销 + 新策略 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:公司业务市场营销是现代化经济发展的一个标志,市场营销开展的速度与质量决定着公司未来的发展。华夏银行的公司业务市场营销在过去近十年时间内都保持着稳定发展的趋势,但是由于受到2008年经济危机发展的影响,经济发展势头疲软,金融业风险剧增,银行业面临巨大挑战。华夏银行北京分行作为一家以公司业务为主的股份制商业银行,在外部环境变化的情况下,应根据市场格局、行业形势、客户经营水平等因素,及时调整思维,积极应对市场变化,进一步加强产品和服务对市场的适应性。因此,提高市场营销策略的实用性,保障业务发展,显得更为重要。 随着经济形势的逐渐回暖,后经济危机时期华夏银行北京分行在市场变化中掌握了新的发展规律。外来资本的注入,催生了更多的股份制商业银行,提升了商业银行的竞争性,北京地区商业银行的发展步入了艰难的发展时期。国内刺激消费政策的多次执行,带给市场的资本大多数都为热钱,大笔热钱的涌入虽然振奋了市场,但是也对市场带来了冲击,大笔热钱进入房地产与基础设施建设,大幅提升了房地产价格和物价指数,对人民的生活带来了压力,房地产的销售问题越来越严峻,空置率大幅提高。这种“大起大落”的经济发展态势,无疑是对我国经济实体的一种剧烈打击,作为股份制商业银行,一定要看准市场时机,把握市场发展的远期规划,做好未来风险的防范工作,公司业务市场营销的发展策略要“着眼未来,重在当下”。当前我国新兴产业之中,新能源产业都是未来具备强劲发展动力的产业,资本投资应该给予政策性的偏向。针对市场营销策略要尽量采取低风险,高收益的办法,要提高投资准确度。 本文结合华夏银行北京分行的实际情况,运用银行市场营销策略理论,通过分析北京分行自身业务特点及其外部营销环境,探索完善其公司业务市场营销管理体系的途径,为北京分行的战略发展和业务提升提供具有参考意义的营销策略。针对目前北京分行的内外部市场环境、经营状况、营销策略,研究并解决公司客户营销管理过程中的优势及存在的问题,提出适用于北京分行公司业务营销战略制定的相关建议,提升全行营销策略的专业性和实用性,,加强其客户维护和拓展的效率性和可持续性。在利率市场化推行的背景下,在监管约束不断提高、竞争激烈的市场情况下,研究如何准确地进行市场定位,提出适合自身发展方向的营销目标,探索符合其自身情况的营销策略,优化并升级业务结构和客户结构,对北京分行的长远发展具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:Business marketing is a symbol of modern economic development. The speed and quality of marketing development determine the future development of the company. Huaxia Bank's corporate marketing has maintained a steady development trend in the past ten years. However, due to the impact of the economic crisis in 2008, the economic development momentum has been weak, and the financial sector risks have increased sharply. The banking industry faces enormous challenges. Huaxia Bank Beijing Branch, as a joint-stock commercial bank with the main business of the company, should adjust its thinking in time according to the market pattern, industry situation, customer management level and other factors under the changing external environment. Actively respond to market changes and further strengthen the adaptability of products and services to the market. Therefore, it is more important to improve the practicability of marketing strategy and ensure business development. With the economic situation warming gradually, the Beijing branch of Huaxia Bank grasped the new development law in the market change in the post-economic crisis period. The injection of foreign capital has given birth to more joint-stock commercial banks and enhanced the competitiveness of commercial banks. The development of commercial banks in Beijing has entered a difficult period of development. With the implementation of domestic policies to stimulate consumption many times, most of the capital brought to the market is hot money. Although the influx of large amounts of hot money has inspired the market, it has also had an impact on the market. A large amount of hot money has gone into real estate and infrastructure construction. Real estate prices and price indices have risen sharply, putting pressure on people's lives, real estate sales problems are becoming more and more serious and vacancy rates have risen sharply. This "ups and downs" of the economic development situation is undoubtedly a severe blow to our economic entities. As a joint-stock commercial bank, it is necessary to see the market opportunity and grasp the long-term plan for market development. In order to prevent future risks, the development strategy of business marketing should focus on the future and focus on the present. Among the new industries in China, the new energy industry is the industry with strong development power in the future, and the capital investment should give policy bias. In view of marketing strategy, we should adopt low risk and high profit method as far as possible, and improve investment accuracy. Based on the actual situation of Huaxia Bank Beijing Branch and the theory of bank marketing strategy, this paper explores the ways to perfect the marketing management system of Huaxia Bank by analyzing the characteristics of its own business and its external marketing environment. For the strategic development of Beijing Branch and business upgrading to provide a reference marketing strategy. In view of the current internal and external market environment, operating situation, marketing strategy of Beijing Branch, research and solve the advantages and existing problems in the process of customer marketing management, This paper puts forward some relevant suggestions for Beijing Branch Company to formulate business marketing strategy, to enhance the professionalism and practicability of the whole bank's marketing strategy, and to strengthen the efficiency and sustainability of its customer maintenance and expansion. Under the background of marketization of interest rate, under the condition of increasing supervision restriction and fierce competition, the paper studies how to position the market accurately, and puts forward the marketing target suitable for its own development direction. It is of great significance for Beijing Branch to explore the marketing strategy which is suitable for its own situation, and to optimize and upgrade the business structure and customer structure.


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